Chapter 48

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Now this is back in June
Also, Idk how adoption works, but lets say it's been finalized for the two to adopt Aoi


~Hinata/Shoyo's POV~
We decided to tell Ma and Mom that we adopted Aoi, we didn't tell them yet since we were busy with the finalization of her adoption. So we're going to head over and surprise them!

"Tetsurou! Are you ready? I'm so nervous!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. "I am too. But they'll love her! She's an angel~" I smiled, "That she is, but we have to wait to see~ I feel like she'll be a devil." He nodded his head. "Alright, we just have to wait once she's 7. For now, lets go introduce her to Ma and Mom." I nodded my head and we got in the car, Aoi in the back in her car seat asleep.


When we got to the house. We walked up to the door, hiding Aoi behind our arms. She's still in her car seat, asleep. 

We knocked on the door and Mom opened the door. "Oh! Hello! It's been so long!" She exclaimed. "Hey Mom." Tetsurou said, I giggled. "Hello to you to Mom. Is Ma home?" She nodded her head, "Yes she is, why?" I nodded my head at Tetsurou and he took Mom inside and I stood by the door waiting. 

~Kuroo/Tetsurou's POV~
I took Mom to the living room and Ma was already there. "Hey Ma." I said hugging her. She hugged back and I sat her on the sofa. "Okay, Shoyo and I did something... And you'll be seeing what it is in a few." They gasped. "Did you two divorce?!" Mom asked. "Mom! No! I love Shoyo too much to do that!" She let out a breathe "Oh thank god." She said. 

"I just need you two to close your eyes." They looked confused. "Alright? But what about Shoyo?" Ma asked, I smiled. "He'll be bring her in." I said, a little hint. They still looked confused. "Her? Who's her?" Mom asked. "We just need you two to close your eyes and Shoyo will bring her in." They nodded their heads and closed their eyes. And I called for Shoyo. "Sho, you can bring her in now." 

~Shoyo walks in with the baby car seat. He kissed Tetsurou's cheek before placing Aoi in front of their parents. He fixed her clothes a little and Aoi woke up~

"You can open your eyes now." Shoyo said, I walked over to him and placed my arm around his waist. They gasped when they saw Aoi. "Meet your granddaughter." They looked at us, eyes-wide. "S-seriously?" Mom asked. I nodded my head. "Her names Aoi. Reliance on the cherry blossoms" 

They looked at Aoi again. "Oh she's beautiful." Ma had tears in her eyes. "Oh Ma don't cry." Sho said before hugging her. He sat down next to Ma while I sat down next to Mom. (It's Shoyo, Himari, Sakura, and Tetsurou)

"Is this why you couldn't visit for a while?" Mom asked. "Yea, we were so busy trying to finalize the adoption we kinda forgot to mention it." I said rubbing her back. "C-can I hold her?" Ma asked. "Of course! You're her grandmothers." 

Sho took Aoi out of the seat and gave her to Ma. "Oh,  careful." He said. Ma smiled. "I know honey, I've held a baby before too you know." Ma said, Shoyo giggled. I stood up. "I'm going to take a photo, smile!" I took my phone out and took a picture of the four of them. Ma and Mom had tears in their eyes. Aoi giggling from all the attention she was getting.

"She will be getting a lot of attention from us now." Mom said holding Aoi. I smiled, "Of course." 

We stayed for the night. Aoi slept in between me and Shoyo since we didn't have an extra crib here. But Ma and Mom said they would get her one for when she stays over. 

"I can't believe they cried." Shoyo said moving closer. "They were going to, we just brought a baby." He smiled. "We'd probably have the same reaction when she comes to us pregnant." My eyes went wide. "We shouldn't be thinking about that! She's only a month old!" Shoyo giggled. "I don't even want to think about that yet." I added. I looked over at Sho, he was still smiling with a sleeping Aoi in front of him. "We have time Tetsu." I nodded my head. "Yea...but I don't want her to grow up." I want her to stay little forever. I heard him giggle again, "Me either..."

We were talking quietly until Shoyo almost fell asleep. "Goodnight Love." I said kissing his forehead. "Goodnight..." He fell asleep already. I looked at the two of them, Aoi and Shoyo, they look so peaceful asleep. "I love you two so much." I kissed Aoi's forehead before falling asleep myself.

~Himari's (Ma)POV~
I can't believe we have a granddaughter! "We have a grandchild Himari..." Saukra said. "Yea...She's so precious" She smiled. We were still in the living room thinking back to when Shoyo was only a baby. "They grew up so much." Sakura cried. I felt a tear go down my face. "Yea, they did...I feels like yesterday Shoyo was running around naked." I laughed. "And when he first got his form..." Sakura added. "Mhm...and when he first came home all blushy because he met Tetsurou." Sakura giggled. "Yea, he was a whole tomato!" I laughed with her, thinking back to when Shoyo was younger.

"Lets check up on them." Sakura said standing up. I stood up too and held her hand to their bedroom. I opened the door and peeped in. Sakura peeped in too, I heard her giggle.

"Oh they're so cute." She said. The three were all cuddled up on the bed. Aoi holding onto Shoyo while Tetsurou had his arms around Shoyo, bringing Sho and Aoi closer. "They really are." I smiled. 

"We should go to bed too." I said, Sakura closed the door. "Yea, it's getting late." We got ready for bed and lied down on the bed. "We have to spoil her as much as we can we she grows up." Sakura said, I nodded my head, "Definitely, but not too much." Sakura nodded her head. "Goodnight honey." She moved closer, "Goodnight sweetheart." I pulled her closer before falling asleep.

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