Chapter 25

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(Don't play the song yet)

~Hinatas POV~
"Hey Kuroo? Can you help me pick a song?" I asked him. "Sure." I passed him my phone and he looked for a song. "What about~" He was scrolling through all the songs until he found one. "Raise Your Glass By P!NK?" He asked, showing me the song. "Yea, I can do that one." I said as he clicked play.

~Play it now~

"Right right, turn off the lights,
We gonna lose our minds tonight,
What's the dealio?"

I looked over to Kuroo. "Hope you don't mind me recording." He had his phone out. I did a thumbs up to show that it was okay.

"I love when it's all too much,
Five a.m. turn the radio up
Where's the rock and roll?"

I continued to sing to my favorite part.


I pretended I had a microphone.


I looked over to Kuroo. He was smiling, still recording. I grabbed my water bottle to take a sip before continuing, holding it in my hand as a microphone.

"Slam slam, oh hot damn
What part of party don't you understand,
Wish you'd just freak out (just freak out already)"

I winked at Kuroo and he blushed. I laughed and continued until the song was over.

"Just come on and come on and raise your glass
Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass (for me)
Just come on and come on and raise your glass (for me)"

I finished placing my hand in the air pretending I was actually holding a glass. I turned around and Kuroo was clapping so I did a little bow and laughed.

"That was really good." He said. "Thanks." She showed me the video. "I looked so silly." I said laughing. He was laughing too. "I guess. But you did really good. Not even gonna lie." I smiled before saying thanks again.

"Wanna actually skate now?" He asked. "Yea." I grabbed my skateboard and started going around the park with Kuroo.

After a while I got tired trying to do tricks and lied down on the ground. Kuroo joined me after a few minutes. "That was fun." He said lying next to me. "For sure." I replied.

"We should probably go home soon." I said. "Yea." Kuroo said before checking the time. "It's like 12." He said. "Damn. But it was so worth it." I said sitting up. "Yea, but won't Ma and Mom get mad that we were out so late?" He asked. "Not really. As long as we're careful and go home still." He nodded his head sitting up.

We started to walk back around 12:30 when someone called out my name. "Hinata!" I turned around. Fuck. It was Kaito. Kuroo turned around too, he then placed his arm around my waist. I blushed and turned back to Kaito.

"What do you want?" I asked him in a cold tone. "Ouch Darling, no need to be cold." He smirked. "See you're still with him. Darling~ You can do so much better~" He walked closer. "Don't even dare." Kuroo threatened. "Oh, what's this?" Kaito tilted his head. "Kaito. Leave us alone." I said. "Why would I do that darling?" He asked. I think I threw up in my mouth. He took a step forward. "Are you deaf?!" Kuroo exclaimed. "Kuroo, it's midnight, people are asleep. We have to do it quietly." I said to him placing my hand on his arm. He nodded his head.

"Aw look at you two~ So digustingly sweet. I can give you so much more Hinata~" Kaito said taking another step and I took one back with Kuroo. "What's wrong Hinata?" Kaito said smiling. "Leave me alone Kaito. I'll call the cops if I have to." I threatened, hoping he would leave. "Call the cops darling~ I'll get what I want." Kaito said before running to us.

Kuroo pushed me out the way and got tackled by Kaito. "Kuroo!" I exclaimed not caring if people were asleep. I was about to go over but he held his hand up as to stay where I was.

~Kuroo's POV~
Right before this psycho tackled me I pushed Hinata away so he didn't get hurt. Hinata was about to come over but I put my hand out as a no, cause this idiot is going to try something again. "Ugh, you ass." I groaned.

He stood up and turned to Hinata's direction. "Not a chance." I grabbed him and threw him to the ground before he could to go Hinata. "I get out the hospital. And this is what I have to deal with?" I looked at Kaito. He was groaning in pain. I turned to look at Hinata, he looked scared. "Kuroo! Behind you!" I turned around and almost got punched by the fucker.

Instead of hitting me, he fell onto the ground. "Ha, you can't even fight. What is this?" I said before punching him hard. He groaned. "Try messing with us again. I dare you." I glared at him while he ran away. I turned to look at Hinata and he ran over to where I was standing. "Are you okay? Did he get you?" I asked checking my face for injuries. I grabbed his hands. "I'm fine. I promise. It was only him that got hurt. But are you okay? I pushed you pretty hard." I said He was crying, "I-I'm fine. B-but you're the one that got p-punched." He said. "Oh c'mere." I pulled him into a hug. "Lets go home now." I said. I felt him nod his head.

"Want a piggy back ride?" I asked him, "Aer you sure?" I turned around and crouched in front of him, "Yes, now get on." He got on my back without further arguments and I walked us home.

When we got home I put him down and placed our boards by our shoes. "Lets go to bed now." He said. I nodded my head and followed him to the room. "I'm going to change in the bathroom, so you can change here." Hinata said before going in the bathroom.

(The bathroom is in the room.)

I lied to him saying I wasn't hit. Whatever his name was, got a punch by my hip. It doesn't hurt badly but it stings a little.

~Hinatas POV~
That was scary. But Kuroo looked so hot kicking Kaito's ass.

I finished changing and left the bathroom to see Kuroo shirt less. He has a nice body..."Like what you see?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes-No-wait!" He laughed. "Come on, lets sleep, we still have school tomorrow." He said putting a shirt on and lying in the bed. "O-okay." I lied down next to him.

This is so weird! We're sharing the bed but it's so uncomfortable... I turned around so my back was facing him. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt big arms around me. "Kuroo?" I asked, my voice came out quieter than I wanted it to. "Yea?" He whispered back. "What're you doing?" I asked, referring to his arms around me. "Hugging you? I can't fall asleep without hugging something. Hope you don't mind." "I-It's fine."

He held me as I slowly fell asleep. Lets see what happens tomorrow.

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