Chapter 49

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Time skip 1 year

~Hinata/Shoyo's POV~
Aoi is turning a year old today! (he has tears running down his face)
"She's growing up so fast Tetsurou." I cried, I hugged him. He hugged back and started to laugh. "I know." He rubbed my back.

"Pa! Da!" Aoi exclaimed walking our way. I smiled and picked her up. "Hi my baby~" She smiled. "Papa!" "What about me?" Tetsurou asked. She smiled. "Dada!" He smiled and took Aoi from my arms. "The guys said to get ready. They're gonna be here in a few." I nodded my head and went to go get ready.

Aoi's Outfit

Once we were all ready, we waited for the guys, (Terushima)Tadashi, and (Haiba)Morisuke, to pick us up

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Once we were all ready, we waited for the guys, (Terushima)Tadashi, and (Haiba)Morisuke, to pick us up. They said that they were going to plan her party at Ma and Moms house.


Once we got to the party, Kenma led us to the backyard. "Okay, careful, watch your step." Morisuke said, "Alright." They blindfolded me and Tetsurou. When we got to the backyard they finally let us take the blindfolds off. I looked up and gasped.

 I looked up and gasped

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(Pretend it's outside)

"Wow! It's amazing!" I exclaimed. I turned to look at Aoi, she was squealing in Tetsurou's arms. Tetsurou was smiling looking around. Ma and Mom then walked up to us. "Happy birthday Aoi~" Mom said. Aoi continued to squeal, she then made grabby hands towards Mom. Mom smiled and picked her up. "You didn't have to do all of this." I told Ma. She smiled, "We had to! It's our granddaughter's first birthday!" She exclaimed, hugging me and Tetsurou.

We all laughed and talked until Tetsurou had to go somewhere. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm just getting something." He kissed my forehead before taking Kenma. "He'll be alright. I promise. The two have been planning this for a while." I turned around. Y/n was standing there.

"Really? He never told me anything." Y/n smiled, "Yea, he wanted to surprise you too. You'll love it. It's nothing bad." They said, I smiled, "Alright, lets go back to Aoi, I can hear her laughing from here." Y/n giggled and nodded their head, "Yea. She's adorable." I smiled, "Yea, she is."

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