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ninya pov

I came back to Korea after staying 2 years in the US to help my dad with his company. As soon as the plane landed, I drive directly to our house to take a rest.



I'm back

you're now here? in Korea?

yea, just arrived at my place rn

Let's have dinner later, with the others.

others? u mean the team?

of course, why not

We're going to debut already, we can't just hang out and let people see us

oh, I forgot I was talking to a SOON TO BE idol HAHAHAHHA
I'll guess, I'll eat alone

the Chinese restaurant near the school, it is 24 hours, wait for us
read 5:26

As soon as I saw the message, I put my phone in my bed and start to unpack my things. And after I've finally settled, I took a nap for some minutes.


When I woke up it was already 10:20, I still have a lot of time before meeting them. It took me 15 minutes to get ready, I didn't put too much effort into it and just wear a black hoodie and pants.

"I think they will just wear comfortable clothes," I said after looking at the full-length mirror in my room.

It will just take 10 minutes to drive from our house until there so I didn't rush on driving.

As soon as I get there, I walked a little just to find the restaurant being the last stall in the street.

"It is so dark here, maybe they've chosen this so no one notices them"

I sat on the corner of the room where the beautiful night sky was seen.

After a few minutes, they arrived, riding in a dark-tinted van. They came with their manager who's the one that drives them here. As expected everyone is wearing a hoodie and of course a mask. We asked the manager to join us but he said he already ate and want to take a nap.

"Noona, I miss you," Jisung said while running to me and hugging me.

"me too, noona" Chenle added.

"hey dude you're here," Mark oppa said and sat with others

"so when did you come back?" jeno asked

"I just arrived earlier, around 5 o'clock i think"

"I assume that you already rest, right?" he added

"as expected jeno is so cheesy," Renjun said to him making all of us laugh

"order already, i'll pay tonight," I said before giving them the menu given to me earlier

I know the guys since high school. Mark Oppa is a year older than me, I was in the same class as Jeno, jaemin, and Haechan. Also, Jaemin is my childhood friend and neighbor.

While the guys are being trained under their company, Renjun and Chenle from china join them.

It's been 4 years since the first day of their training and now, here they are, getting ready for their debut.

My family is now in the US since my dad has a big project with the company. My sister was left with them since mom wants her to stay.

"noona, the food is ready," Jisung said.

"you can eat already, i'll just give some to manager-nim so he can also eat," I answered before i left the table holding a bowl of food.

Once I came back, I heard renjun asked "why did you go to the US?"

"I helped Dad with their new project," I said as I started to eat my food

"Then will you go back there?" Haechan added.

"no, I planning to stay here"

"For real?! then you can visit our set when we debut already?" jisung said excitedly while others look at him

"Jisung-ah we have 5 more months to go" Jaemin said as the others agree

"Exactly hyung just 5 months left!" said as we all laugh.

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