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It was early in the morning as I was inside my car going to the parking when I saw a lot of people in front of the company.

There are a lot of reporters and even fans. The thing about me and jaemin article got even wider as their fans are here right now.

As I entered my office gowon welcome me.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking so worried

"The fans saying that you are dating jaemin and they hate that, that's why they're waiting outside" she added

"Let them be, they won't get something from me," I said as I sat on my chair

The day continues like that, we just focus on our work and ignore them. It's already 6:45 pm and almost half of the staff are going home.

I leave my office and walk outside

"I'm going home!" I said excitedly as I waved goodbye to Gowon

"ninya you can't" she loudly said as she ran to follow me.


"People will see you, some of the fans hate you already"

"just let them"

"I can't let you go out tonight," she said and bring me back to my office

I woke up from the sun flashing to my face as I heard footsteps going to my office.

"I bought you this, I don't know if this will fit you but yeah" I heard Gowon say as she offered her white top and pants.

"thank you," I replied as I get it from her and head to the bathroom

Yes, I can take a bath in our company, since when we just started we tend to stay here and just eat outside.

Going back, it is just 6 am so there are still no people at this hour, work starts at 7 am so I still have 1 hour to prepare.

After I took a bath I wear what Gowon prepare

"The pants are too big," I said as I put them on and walk to my office holding them.

"Gowon, it's too big," I said

"I didn't know that you're that thin," she said to annoy me

"what are we gonna do?" she added

"I'll just use the pants that I'm wearing earlier" I added

"but the top will not look good with that"

"Then give me that hoodie your wearing and switch to this top"

"you sure?"

I nodded as an answer and changed already.

I peek into the window of my office and saw a lot of people. The number of angry fans started to increase causing inconvenience to the employees who are entering the building.

"There they are again," Gowon said

"I can't even attend to my schedule because of this"


The day will now end and I'm just here in my office sitting.

I can't go outside till yesterday, I ate ramen for dinner since the cafeteria is already closed. Earlier at lunch I didn't have time to eat since I have a lot of work to do.

I feel so tired so I decided to take a nap.

After some time I woke up because someone is patting me.

I open my eyes and saw Mr. Park the head of the photography department.

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