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 It was my 3rd day back in Korea and I decided to tell the dreamies about it.

I called the manager-nim if I can meet them and he told me that I can come over to the practice room.

I told Max that I have to finish some paperwork so he doesn't have any choice but to stay in the hotel.

"Hello manager-nim, I'm already outside,"   I said

"I'll go there Ms. Kang" he replied

"Thank you manager-nim"

I drop the call and wait outside.

"Excuse me," I said after I knocked on the door.

I peek a little when I saw them practicing

"NOONA!" Jisung said as he ran in my direction, seconds later chenle followed.

I enter the room and close the door as they all stop their practice and go around me.

"miss me? hahaha," I asked the two.

"yes noona" chenle answered.

"dude you're back!" Mark said

"Did I interrupt the practice?"

"Absolutely not," Jeno said

We all chuckled and head to the table.

"You said you'll take a year," haechan said

"you don't want me here?" I replied jokingly

"The project ended sooner than I expected" I added

"so you're not going back right noona?" Jisung said having a smile on his face

"Exactly" I replied as they cheered looking so happy

I noticed that jaemin is acting a little weird so I proceed to him and put my arms around his shoulders.

"It looks like you're not happy that I'm back" I teased while other members are looking at us.

"I'll get water," he said and leave

"huh? What's wrong with him?"

"He's been acting weird since the day before," renjun said

"He probably hasn't slept properly" Jeno added

We have fun that morning, we talked about what I have missed and also listen to their new song.

"Pretty good huh"

"of course," Mark said

"When will be the release?!"

"Sunday, 5 pm" haechan replied

"Make sure to watch it noona" jisung added

"Okay, by the way, I need to leave now I have to meet someone for lunch," I said as I take my things and walk to the door

"Okay take care ninya," renjun said

"Dinner later? 10 pm at the restaurant last time, my treat," I said before stepping outside

"See you noona" chenle lastly said

Max and I decided to eat outside for lunch, he sent me the address earlier and now I'm heading there since it's already noon.


Jaemin POV

"Hyung we have a practice today," jisung said after barging into my room

"Jaemin-ah it's already 8 am we are going soon" Mark Hyung added

"Wait for a minute I'll get ready" I replied with a sleepy voice

I sat in my bed and daydreamed for a minute.

The day before yesterday I didn't have a chance to talk to ninya after what I saw so I decided to just go home.

I was really sad about it but I can't do anything. I told them that the one I'm gonna meet have an emergency so I got home early.

For the past day, I feel so tired and I always lose focus.

I was planning to confess that day but after seeing that, it breaks me. After I get the guts to do so I lose her.

"Why can't be me..."
I mumbled as I feel the tears filling my eyes. I shrugged it off before I go outside, I don't what them to notice it.

We are having our practice for our new song when we heard someone knock on the door. We all look in that direction as we see ninya bringing a bag of snacks.

"Excuse me," she said

I feel myself getting teary but I shouldn't, everyone was here. I control my emotions and try to look normal.

We head to the table and they start the conversation while I just stand there listening.

After a few moments, she came to me and put her arms around my shoulder

"It looks like you're not happy that in back," she said as she put that angelic smile on her face

I panic for a moment and don't know how to reply, I still can't forget about what happened

"I'll get water," I said randomly and decided to leave

I just can't handle it, it hurts a lot.

Ninya POV

It was already 9:37 pm and I had done a lot of things, I met Gowon at the cafe, sign some new contracts at the office, attend the meeting and now I'm here in my room resting.

"I have a dinner with the guys," I said as I stood up from the bed and pick on what I should wear

"People should not notice me, so the rumor will not pop again"

I just wear a black hoodie, pants, rubber shoes, and of course a mask. And once I'm done, I left the house and drive to the place.

Were having our meal with manager-nim as we continue talking about things. I notice that jaemin was not in the mood and haven't eaten even half of his food.

I've been glancing at him from time to time but his food is still the same. I'm worried that he has a problem but can't open it up.

Haechan POV

We are having our meal when I notice that ninya is looking at something. I trail in the direction where she was looking and my eyes landed on jaemin.

He won't eat his food and just slurps the soup.

I poke ninya who's now sitting beside me.

"Where are you staring at?" I said in a low tone

"Oh nothing, I just remember something" she replied and smiled at me

"Don't mind me, just continue eating" she added

I smiled at her before I continue

"Just say that you worried" I mumbled

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