Chapter 14

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I walked home. Slowly.

Each step makes me want to crumble. Every thought makes me want to die.

After I don't know an hour or so, I reached home.

Nobody's home.

I stumbled up the stairs, locked the door and collapsed onto my bed. I reach out for my phone and put on a song.

Any song.

I hear my parents pull up. I took a shower and cried.

And cried.

And cried.

And cried.

It's amazing how many tears I've let go. How many memories I once cherished and now despise.

I wore a shirt and hid beneath the covers of my bed.

My mother knocks on my door.

"Syl. It's dinner time."

I don't respond. I refuse to.

She waits and then eventually leaves.

They all do.

My phone rings. Guess who?


I don't pick up. He leaves a voicemail.

/Hey,Sylvia. Do you know where Sof is? I went to her house but she isn't there. Call me./

I text him.

/she moved away. Bcoz of u./

Men have an amazing power to make women happy and they can choose if they can rob it away or let us keep it.

Yet it's so rare to find men like those.

Thanks, mom. Being miserable is genetic.

The Best MistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon