Chapter 18

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I eventually went home. Eventually. No one was home. It wasn't like I was waiting for anyone. I opened the door. It creaked along with me. I shut it silently then the phone rang.



"Hey, Oli." Olivia's my sister. From another mother.

"Dad made me call you. He said if you wanted me to give you a tour of USC?" I wanted to shout at her and say USC's not for me.

"No, thank you. I'm not interested in USC."


"I heard that Photography isn't really nice there."

"Photography? Weren't you supposed to take Architecture?" We all know you're smart, Oli. You don't have rejoice the fact I'm the dumb sister.

"I've changed my mind."

"Well, Thomas' Academy for you then?"

"I guess so."

"I'll tell dad then. Bye."


I went upstairs and just browsed the internet. I was looking through Pinterest when my phone rang.


Might as well talk to somebody.


"Go down."


"Downstairs. Now."


I got down stairs and saw him with a car.

"Get in."

I hold my finger up and ran back to the house. I ran up the stairs, took my phone and locked the house. I ran back to his car and hopped in.

"Where we going?"

"You'll see."

He just kept driving. After about thirty minutes, he got out.

"Welcome to the lookout point."

It was beautiful. I saw the town we lived in, the boardwalk, and our house.

"How'd you know about this place?"

"Just drived."

"It's beautiful up here. But what are we doing here?"

"I wanted to talk."


"You know." He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his varsity hoodie.



"How dare you."

"What? What did I do?"

"I've been crying for weeks. I've been drowning from the loneliness, the hurt. Then you come up to talk about her. I'm so sick of being the good friend. She's gone, okay! She's a slut! She's--" The tears don't stop flowing. The never-ending tears. I stop ranting as soon as he hugs me.

"Stop. I don't know what to do when girls cry."

"Said the no.1 girls' tears producer." I pull away from him.

"I'm sorry. She just left without explaining."

"Sometimes you'll choose to go crazy for no explanations than miserable for a mistake."

The Best MistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon