Is he gonna be okay?

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We keep walking for a bit, until we turn down a corridor. There's a small waiting area with chairs and tables, some paintings hung on the carolina blue colored walls. There are a few doctors and nurses walking past, with a few visitors caught in the mix. A tall brunette sits in one of the chairs, reading a book. I recognize him immediately. I want to approach him, but my voice had other plans.

"LIU!" I scream. He looks up, his eyes widening. "Y/N!" He gets up, grinning. Next thing I know, I'm being engulfed into a hug. It feels like time almost stops. Well, until I see a flash out of the corner of my eye. Me and Liu separate, and I see mom holding her phone up, taking a picture. She looks down at it to look at the picture. 'She's probably gonna frame that....' I think to myself. Everyone's smiling. Life just got a whole lot better. "Surprise!" mom says. "I can't believe it...." I mutter.

*-2nd person POV-*

"I know right?! Jeff should be discharged soon!" Liu says, more excited then he's ever sounded. You wanted to ask how he got out of jail, but felt now wasn't the time. "How is he? Is he okay?" You ask, then remember that Liu just said he's gonna be discharged soon. "As far as I know, he's alright. Apparently he's been sleeping a lot." Liu responds. "They won't tell me a lot. It's probably because I just got out of jail!" He mimicked them dramatically before angrily rolling his eyes. "That's my brother for crying out loud!" he almost screamed, then started pacing around.

You and Jane exchanged glances. Both of you felt empathy for him. Yours and Jane's parents had sat down. Liu sighed, before finally calming down. "...I'm sorry. This just irritates me!" he said, trying to remain calm. "How about we talk about something else; preferably something happier?" Jane says. "Good idea" you agree simply. Liu leads you guys to some seats on the left side of the waiting area, across from the adults and your siblings. You, Liu, and Jane all talk about whatever comes to your minds. Even though the conversation wasn't necessarily serious, the tense aura was in the air. Probably because of Liu's anger showing. You decided to try and lighten up the mood. "Hey Louisiana, what's it like being named after a state?" you asked, emphasizing the 'Louisiana'. "Wait what-" Jane was cut off by Liu's laughing.

"Pretty nice, y'know? Especially since I live there and it's my best friend who named me~" he grinned. The mood lightened with this little stunt you started. Your parents on the other side of the room were starting to listen in on your conversation. Your dad was talking with the other adults, but got unusually silent with Liu's little "comment". He hated that someone was talking like that to his daughter. Classic protective dad. "Mr. L/N?" Jane's mom tried getting his attention. "Oh yes?" He snapped out of his totally normal thoughts not regarding Liu.

"You were drifting off....." She continued. Meanwhile, you and the other two teenagers were laughing about something that only mattered to you guys at the moment.


"Excuse me, is anyone here for Jeffery Woods?" A nurse said, standing at the front of the waiting area. By now, there were a few other people in the waiting area aside from your group. "We are" your dad stood up, so did the other adults and your siblings. "You guys may come in now" they said. You, Jane, and Liu followed them in. There Jeff sat up, on the hospital bed. Bandages covered his face. Mr. and Mrs. Woods sat in chairs next to him. Margaret caressed his hand gently, trying to comfort him.

'He's probably in an unimaginable amount of pain....' You think to yourself. Peter looked over at you guys and smiled. You saw a singular chair by Jeff's bedside, you assumed was there for Liu. "Jeff" Margaret started in a soft voice. "Your friends and brother are here to see you". She finished in the same, soft tone. Jeff moved his head slightly. "I apologize about there not being enough chairs" Peter spoke up. "It's quite alright. I'm sure we can stand" Your dad replied. The environment in the room was calm, but not the good kind.

A/N: Hi everyone! I know this chapter is a bit shorter then my other ones, but I feel this is a good stopping point. I don't really have much to say except have an amazing day/night!

Word count: 773

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