A peaceful period...?

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Once inside (again), your mom turns around to look at you. "There you are! We're gonna have to leave soon" "already?" You say. "Sweetheart, it's been an hour already" your dad deadpans, despite him starting the sentence with "sweetheart".

"P...pl...." Jeff tries to say. "It's alright, Jeff...." Mrs. Woods coos. "Well, I'm sure we'll see ya later, Y/N!" Liu smiles. Suddenly, your heart feels like it's gonna jump out of your chest and run everywhere. You're glad you can only imagine that. "Bye Y/N!" Jane grins. You and your family say your goodbyes and you walk out of the hospital. While walking out of the hospitals automatic sliding doors, a million different thoughts ran through your head.

Some of these thoughts were 'when will he be out of the hospital? I should've asked' 'Jeez, S/N is heavy. Why did I agree to give her a piggy back ride?' Yep. S/N was very content with her current position. "I could stay here alllll dayyyyy!" She grinned. "I can't carry you all day!" You responded.

"Yes you can!" "Can't" "can!" This went on for a while.

-Enter a timeskip to a few days later-

"C'mon B/N, get up..." You said in your best, gentle voice. Jeff was leaving the hospital today and everyone was gonna throw him a surprise party. Liu was already there. You wanted to arrive early so you could help set up. "Nooooo" he somehow managed to whine and groan at the same time. "Fine, miss the party" you grinned. "I don't care about the party" he said. 'oh, he does' you thought. "Well, I guess Jeff will be really upset!" You fake sighed, before walking to the door, opening it very slowly. "OKAY, IM UP!" he screamed. He almost literally jumped out of bed.

'Works every time' You grinned to yourself. You left his room so he could change and went to get ready yourself. The party was in two hours but you wanted to get there in an hour. Luckily, you showered yesterday so that wasn't a part of your daily routine today. You ran into your closet and picked out an outfit. You decided to wear a F/C tube top with high wasted jeans. At the last second, you decided to leave your H/L, H/C hair down and to add accessories. You put on {insert what accessories you'd like}. You ran back out into your room to grab some undergarments before putting your chosen outfit on.

You went into your bathroom, brushed your hair, finished your morning routine, then left your room to go downstairs.

-Insert timeskip to after you ate breakfast-

*-Lius POV-*

I wonder when she'll get here..... C'mon Y/N! K, I already have the decorations laid out, and some of the ingredients out for the food.

'Ding dong'

I hope that's her.

*-Authors POV-*

Liu opened the door and as he hoped, there's Y/N. "Hey, Liu!" She greets her friend. "Heya Y/N! About time" he joked. "Oh hush" a huge grin spreads on her face. "Well, come on in m'lady" "why thank you" she responded. 'Today is going to be amazing!' Y/N thought. She strides into the Woods residence, only to see nobody, but Liu who's standing behind her. He closed the door behind Y/N before catching up to her. "Where is everybody?" She asks, a little surprised. "Well, my parents are at the hospital with Jeff and relatives weren't told to come too early because this is a surprise party....and I still have to get everything ready as you know" Liu smirks.

"Andddddd that's why I'm here early! Do you mind if some of my family members come early to help too?" "Not at all! Even though I shouldn't be saying this, the more help the better" he awkwardly grins. "It's fineeee!" Y/N drew out the 'fine'. "What can I do to help?" "Well, for starters....."

-insert epic timeskip because I'm sure you guys would rather skip to the party then read about Liu and Y/N while they're putting up decorations-

"What song?" Y/N asks. "Hmm..." S/N puts her hand under her chin. Serena left Liu and Y/N in charge of babysitting so her and Braden can get a cake. "I have one!" Liu spoke up, with a serious face. "How about I want it that way?" "Sure-" Y/N couldn't help but laugh. Liu is a stone face sovereign, so of course he didn't laugh.

"Can I borrow your phone, Liu?" "Sure!" Why he didn't question it, nobody knows. Nobody will probably ever know. Y/N takes his phone from him, and studies his case. He has a black case with a.....sticker of a scarf on it? "What the- nevermind...." Y/N lowered her voice when saying "nevermind". She quickly turned it on then she tried to open it, but to no avail, he has a password.

"Hey Liu, could you put in your password?" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "A certain somebody *cough cough* S/N likes to get into people's phones" he laughs after that discovery. 'I love his laugh.... wait what-' Y/N thought. "Sure. Your gonna have to let go of my phone first."

Y/N did just that, then a loud 'Crash!' is heard. Liu's phone was then on the ground. Liu became dead silent. "Oh sh-snap!" 'Close one' Y/N thought. Liu bent down to pick up his phone, and he sighed in relief. "It's not broke, thanks for asking" he playfully glared. "Oh I'm sorry your highness, was I supposed to care?" Y/N resisted the urge to grin. Suddenly Liu screeched "OW!"

Behind him, S/N and B/N were pinching his arms. "Leave her alone, meanie!" "Yeah, Jerk!" Y/N's two angry siblings shouted. "Guys, he wasn't hurting me, it's alright" Y/N wanted to grin at her siblings over protectiveness, but then they would think they can get away with it. "Fine" "MAN! I WANTED AN EXCUSE TO PINCH LIU, BUT IT'S NOT ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!" B/N wails.

Liu was dead silent, yet again. "Allllll right, Liu can you put in your password please? I need to hook up the music before everyone gets here" Y/N said quickly before Liu and her siblings could do anything. "Here ya go" he said, typing it in before handing it back to her "thanks!" Y/N ran over to the bluetooth speakers, connected Liu's phone to them, went into Spotify, then went to find 'I want it that way'.

Music started blaring through the speakers, and S/N jumped, stopping her from continuing to pinch poor Liu.

As if right on time, someone knocks on the door.

A/N: hey everyone! Sorry for not uploading so often! Writer's block sucks- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'd just like to say that if you guys spot any mistakes, please let me know! Have an awesome day/night! :)

Word count: 1173

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