Chapter 17 | I won't Rosalie, I promise

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Recap: Tyler and Bella are in the music room, they almost kiss again, Daniel comes to see her in detention and asks her to hang but Tyler says no we have plans, she comes to the realization that maybe just maybe, she feels a little something for Tyler...

Chapter 17 | I won't Rosalie, I promise

"I'll be right back," Tyler said before rushing upstairs. We had just arrived at Dylan's house and I was waiting on the couch in the living room. I looked around, properly this time, most times when I was here, I sat only in the living room to work on the project. Then there was the party when I went to that room where we played games oh and the room I almost got ra-

So yea, I haven't seen much.

I walked around the big living room taking in my surroundings.

It was beautiful and it had two prominent colours, white and grey. The moment you stepped into the house, you'd see a huge grey couch, stairs to your right, a kitchen straight ahead and several other doors. The living room not only had a couch but had two armchairs, a white center table with silver legs and a grey plush rug. The huge TV also added to the living room giving it a homey yet professional feel.

I walked around and looked at the art on the wall. Some abstract others family portraits. I recognized Dylan's immediately. I then walked to the side of the stairs where a light grey fireplace was. On top, were pictures of Dylan and who I'm guessing was his parents.

I smiled to myself, instantly getting memories of when my house back in Michigan felt like an actual home. I heard laughter.

Turning, I saw Tyler laughing alongside another woman. I immediately identified her as Dylan's mother with her long beautiful black silky hair and striking gray eyes.

"Oh Tyler, you never cease to make me laugh." He smiled

However, the light in the eyes went dull when she saw me and she glared subtly and turned to Tyler.

"Another one? Tyler again? When will you get serious? I want grandchildren you know."

Before Tyler could speak a loud deep voice spoke up "oh come on Rosalie give the boy a break. He's in high school for Pete's sake, allow him to have fun."

She glared at him "Which side are you on Henry?"

"It's not a matter of sides dear. I'm sure Tyler will meet a girl and they'll fall in love but for now where's the harm in having fun?"

The woman, Rosalie, turned to me but before she could say anything Tyler and I burst out laughing. Rosalie looked confused which made it even funnier.

She thought I was Tyler's hook up girl. The very thought made my skin crawl but it was funny to see her scold him.

"Seriously Rosalie? Look at her, does she even look like any of the girls I've been with?"

Rosalie looked at me. Properly this time. I was vibrating ever so slightly, trying to keep my laughter at bay.

"Well, I guess not."

I was wearing boyfriend jeans and a white hoodie with white converse. My black hair was pulled up in a messy bun and the fact that I had only used enough makeup to cover the bruises gave me a close to natural look.

I looked nowhere like Bianca which I knew for a fact was Tyler's hook up girl.

Henry answered his vibrating phone. He put up a finger and walked away.

"Exactly. Besides, this is Bella."

"This is Bella?! I've been dying to meet her since you came home with a coffee-stained shirt!" She turned to me

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