Chapter 12 | Seven Minutes In Hell

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Chapter 12 | Seven Minutes In Hell

English class.

I have to see Tyler.

On the day were are "lovers"

Yea no I don't think so.

I walked to a secluded corner of the library and found myself snuggled up against the wall with a book in hand.

I know you think I'm being dramatic and all but truth be told I didn't know how to act around Tyler anymore. Ever since that truce, things became different, then there was the moment we shared in the nurse's room. I tried to forget about it but it was no use. I don't know why I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was like an itch that can't be scratched.

"Found you." My head shot up only to see the one person I'd been trying so hard to avoid leaning against the bookshelf. "What are you doing here? You've missed half of lunch." I grabbed my phone and true to his word I'd missed part of my lunch break.

The worst part is I didn't even get much reading done with my brain trying to figure this all out.

"Wow, I hadn't noticed." I began to pack my things away and stood up "you aren't avoiding me are you?" He asked and I'm pretty sure I got more red "What? No of course not why would I?" "Because you're holed up in the corner of the library reading Let Me List The Ways on the day we are 'lovers'" he said putting air quotes around the word lovers.

"That doesn't bother me in the slightest and if I was avoiding you you'd know." I replied then pushed past him "you coming or what?" He looked at me as if studying me before shrugging and stuffing his hands in his pocket and following me.


I took a last sweep of the classroom before leaving. It was 6 in the evening and we had just finished cleaning as part of our detention.

"See you guys in two hours!" Dylan yelled as he got in the car. Ali, Tess and I all parted ways before going home to get ready for the party.


Loud music, alcohol, underage drinking and teenagers grinding each other like there's no tomorrow.

Yup this is a high school party alright.

Dylan's once beautiful home was littered with red plastic cups and Halloween decorations. I waded through the crowd and lost my balance quite a few times.

"Excuse me-oh I'm sorry-can you move please-hands off!!" I was almost through the crowd when I crashed into someone making me fall back for the fifth time

Ugh great!

"I'm sorry I-Bella?"

I looked up and smiled "Hi Daniel what are you doing here?" He pulled me up and I wiped my pants in case I got any dirt on me

"A friend invited me, wanna go outside?" He yelled and I nodded and turned around to face the crowd I'd just tried desperately getting through. This time was easier since I had a football player doing all the pushing.

We got outside and I felt the nice air as I took in a deep breath "want some?" I shook my head "I don't drink."

He nodded then downed the rest of the contents then put the cup down. "So there's something I've been meaning to ask you." I nodded as a sign that he should continue "so you know how we've been talking a lot and I wanted to ask do you wanna-"

"Izzy!! You're here!!!" I chuckled and looked at the semi-drunk Ethan "Yes I am, where are the others?" He grabbed the pocket of my blue jumpsuit and yanked me along. I grabbed Daniel's hand and pulled him along. We walked up the stairs and entered a room. It was big, it had a big bed and a bathroom as well as a walk-in closet. There was a flat-screen tv hanging on the wall directly facing the bed. It was bare but there were clothes hanging in the closet and the bed was unmade.

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