Chapter 24 | That's What I'm Trying To Figure Out

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I tried to forget 

But you grew roots around my ribcage 

And sprouted flowers 

Just below my collarbones

All day I pluck their petals 

But I have not yet ascertained 

Whether you love me 

Or not 

- Anna Peters

Chapter 24 | That's What I'm Trying To Figure Out

It was Monday again and also December 1st.

24 days until Christmas!

30 days until the new year!

Despite having a shitty week last week, things started looking up. Well, as up as they can look I guess. Carl got expelled from the school, Bianca got suspended until after the new year and Tyler and I hadn't fought once. I'd say that's an improvement.

Honestly, when Rachel told me Bianca was behind Carl doing...what he did, I wasn't surprised. It wasn't the first time, however, what I didn't know was why she was so adamant about me getting sexually harassed. It's almost as if she knows about it is the most traumatic experience of my life.

"Hey!" I exclaimed jovially as I entered the class and saw my friends this fine morning.

Dylan lifted his head off the table and raised a brow. "What's up with you?"

"Gee, no good morning?" I replied sarcastically before sliding into my seat.

He rolled his eyes "morning, what's up with you?"

"Oh give her a break Dy, it's the holiday season, doesn't everyone deserve to be sunshine and rainbows?" Ethan smiled at me.

"But I do agree, this is too peppy." I rolled my eyes at Ethan.

Despite not remembering the last time I had a good Christmas, Christmas was my mother's favourite holiday. I promised myself when she passed that I would honour the holiday despite the numerous challenges I hurdled through this time of the month.

"Well screw me for being happy." I countered

"I would but Ty would probably kill me so..." Dylan smacked him on the chest playfully and I averted my gaze in hopes to hide my red face. "Hey Ali, Tess!" I greeted, "Any plans for Christmas break?" "Not really," Ali said before shutting us out with her earphones. I looked at the guys confusedly and they shrugged not knowing what was wrong with her either.

"I don't get it, she's been acting off lately." I mumbled to them "I know. When we hang they seem fine for some time then they just kinda shut us out and leave. I don't get it."

I wonder if this has to do with their crush on the guys...

After class ended, Ali hurriedly packed her things and walked away."Tess!" I yelled after her. "Hey" she smiled softly. "What's up with you and Ali lately?" She looked at the guys "can you give us a sec?" They nodded and shot me a look to fill them in later.

"Well, the truth is..." she twirled her thumb around the other with a slight frown on her face. "See, the thing is..." "Tessa just tell me, whatever it is, did I do something?" "We just get a little jealous sometimes." I frowned "what, jealous of what?" I hauled my bag further up my shoulder and pulled her to the side.

"Whenever you're with the guys I don't know it just looks like you've all been friends for years. They talk about you all the time when we hang out and they even come to the diner just so they can hang with you. They stand up for you and we got jealous because we like them and we feel like the only reason they talk to us is because of you."

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