Chapter 31 | Rollercoaster

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Chapter 31 | Rollercoaster

I've come to realise that my relationship with Tyler is like a rollercoaster. An endless surprise of highs and lows and the occasional loop-the-loop. The highs being now where we are a mere three inches apart, standing under a mistletoe, the lows being the arguments we have, and the loop-the-loop being my feelings for him and the fact that I am supposed to be in a relationship with a guy.

His phone rang. I swear this is the universe's idea of toying with me. He cursed under his breath and let me go to answer his call. His jaw clenched when he saw the caller ID and he looked up at me with those same emotionless sky blue eyes. "Go down," "but-" "please Ella just go down okay? Please."

The desperation in his voice was enough for me and I nodded before going down. When I opened the door to his room I saw the gang plus Luca sitting in his bed. "Uh, hi?" I was curious as to why they were all gathered there. "What took you so long, we were gonna come up but we weren't sure what to expect." I turned red at Ethan's insinuation, "oh nothing happened we just talked, sorry, he got a call he should be here soon."

"A call from who?" Dy asked "I don't know but he seemed pretty pissed about it."

He clenched his jaw tightly and nodded and I could tell that whoever was on that line was someone not only Tyler hated but everyone hated. "Let's go, yeah?" Luca suggested and we all nodded and left.

"Y'know," Luca began when we were out of earshot, "Tyler has a lot of demons, he hasn't had an easy life, I can play around a lot but what I can't play with is you hurting him."

"I'm not his-" "girlfriend yeah I know, but it doesn't change the feelings you have for him. Don't hurt him. He's lost enough already."

"Who is on the other end of the call?" I ask, finally not being able to conceal my curiosity. "A ghost from his past, someone who he never should've been associated with." "Who, Luca?" I pressed on. "His father."


Tyler came down not too long after looking glum and annoyed but he tried to hide it at the expense of not wanting to ruin the holiday.

His father. I knew he had parents but now, hearing about it, it seemed surreal. Why did he live with Rosalie if he had a dad? Was his dad some kind of hitman? Maybe he was like abuser? Or perhaps he was in jail? What about his mom and sister? Did he have any more family?

Why is he estranged from them? I don't get it.

A jab to my ribs pulled me out of my thoughts and I saw the box in Dylan's hand. We were now gathered on the roof exchanging gifts. Since the gang did a secret Santa we left everyone else to have our mini celebration.

I thanked him as I held the box. Everyone watched me eagerly unwrap the gift..only to be met with another wrapped box. I rolled my eyes and repeated the same process ready to be met with a gift, instead, I was greeted with another box. "Seriously?" I grumbled and the others chuckled, "you gotta work for your gift Izzy." "I don't wanna," I complained but I was still excited nonetheless.

I hummed along to jingle bells which was playing from the speakers. We hooked Tessa's phone to the speaker. The process of unwrapping went on a couple more times until I was finally met with my gift. Well, gifts. The first was a white customised coffee tumbler, on it was written 'don't mess with me, or else I'll pour this on you.' I laughed at the message before setting it aside and pulling out the small black box. I opened it and smiled at it. I took it out delicately, holding on to it. It was a matching sparkling gold necklace with 'Ella' spelled on it.

I let out a chuckle as I looked at Tyler. "You really suck at the whole anonymity of secret Santa." He too let out a chuckle, "Yeah, I should probably work on that but oh well, as long as you like it?" He ended his sentence with a question and I nodded, "I love it."

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