Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.

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The picture above is just to give you a vibe of Dylan's house. The description is a little different.

Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.

"And this is Maria's room, she's the housekeeper, I think she's in the kitchen, you'll probably get the chance to meet her today," Ethan said, opening the door. So far I have seen their gym, equipped with a treadmill, stairs, five bicycles, a sauna room, a shower etc.

Their gym alone took up the entirety of the third floor.

Now I knew why they had abs...

Maria's room was simple and big. It was about the size of my bedroom plus my father's bedroom. It had one queen-sized bed neatly made with at least 10 pillows arranged. There was a small bedside table with lilacs on it. It seemed to match with the living room since its dominating colours were white and gray.

There was a bathroom to the right and I could make out a standing shower and tub.

Maria's closet was neatly arranged with pastel colours and black shoes.

Ethan grabbed my hand and yanked me along "C'mon! There's still so much left to see!" He dragged me out of the room and placed me in front of another bedroom door.

"This is my bedroom!" He grinned and opened the door. It was bigger than Maria's but not by much. The blue sheets of the neatly made bed contrasted heavily with the white and gray theme of the house. He had a big desk complete with computers and computer manuals.

I raised a brow. "What? I like computers."

Just like Maria's, Ethan had a bathroom to the left which was also bigger but not by too much. The huge walk-in closet was covered with endless rows of jeans, shirts, etc.

He closed the door to his room and faced me. "You like it?" His eyes were shimmering with excitement and his pearly white teeth were on full display. He was acting like a kid who just saw Santa Claus. "Yes, Ethan I love it very much," I say returning the same smile. Content, he pulled me out of the room and took me to the room next to his.

"Dy's room," Ethan said and pulled me into the room. It was nice and warm. The smell of lemon filled the room. His room was the biggest one yet. It had pretty much the same layout as the two other rooms only he had a double standing shower instead of a single and a double tub. His huge red bed was easily bigger than that of Maria's and Ethan's. His closet was bigger than Ethan's as well. His closet had hints of gold and silver from his watches and his perfectly shined black shoes and his ties all hung at the back. Just like Ethan, his closet held a lot of blacks.

Haven't they ever heard of colour? Like damn.

A huge TV hung opposite the bed and underneath was a white and silver tv stand stuffed with countless video games. I saw a PS5, an Xbox a Wii...

How many do you need? I thought one was plenty.

We walked past a room and I froze instantly remembering the room from the night of the party.

Ethan closed the door, his previously happy self vanished. "If it wasn't for the fact that Tyler pummeled the guy I would've gotten a few blows in myself."

I smiled, pushing the memory far away "thanks E."

"Next up, Tyler's room." This was the room I had been wanting to see.

He opened the door and I immediately recognized it from the truth or dare game. "Oh, so this is Tyler's room?"

"Yup! Pretty neat eh?" "Hardly," I reply, taking in my surroundings. I walk around, tracing my fingers against the wall. "Oh and the best part!" I turn to face Ethan opening a door that has a staircase. I raised a brow and he pulled me along. We climbed the stairs only to be met with another door.

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