Nyarlathotep!Todomatsu and Reader

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(Written as a challenge to both myself and shimmering_clouds, using the same prompt. Go read their version, too!)

She stared straight ahead, her dull eyes locked onto the thing in the corner that stared back at her. The young woman didn't know how, but the thing had followed her from where she lived previously to this small room.

There was only one door and it had followed the people that showed her in, her gaze completely fixated on it as she moved into the room without complaint. She couldn't look away from it...she shouldn't look away from it. The thing grew larger when she didn't see it, attaching itself to the room and eventually growing flesh-like tendrils that plunged into her arms and legs.

Her eyes hurt from staring at it for so long...but even a blink was enough to let the grotesque thing grow. Her eyes felt dry and cracked, the eyelids strained at being open for...she couldn't remember the last time she blinked. It was definitely before she moved here, though, wherever 'here' was.

The thing in the corner pulsed and rippled like a bowl of rotten pudding, its single red eye blinking occasionally as it stared back at the young woman, the colliding of fleshy eyelids creating a squelching sound that reminded her of a hand tightening around warmed up ground meat.

"Go away," She resisted blinking as it continued to do so, tempting her into closing her eyes for just a brief moment. The only response to her demand was the squishing that the thing's eyelids made when they closed, the thin black pupil focusing on her.

"Ms. (L/n), it's time for your physical," Someone commented near her, their hand taking hers and leading her out of the room while she strained to keep eye contact with the monstrous pudding-like creature. It curled itself around the corner of the doorway, watching her leave before ducking back into her room.

"No!" She cried out and tried to run back to watch the creature, to force it back into its small state, "If I can't see it, it'll eat me!!"

More hands grabbed at her as several fleshy tendrils shot out from the room she was brought from, latching onto the ceiling, walls, and floor with a sick elasticity. Each tendril expanded where it attached to, spreading along as the woman screamed in terror, the hands gripping her clothes tightly before her tongue was shoved back near her throat by some kind of cloth, the rough fabric tearing at the corners of her already dry lips as it was tightened behind her head.

She screeched into the cloth, closing her eyes as the fingers came too close and feeling her eyes water up at the sudden relief, twisting her shoulders violently to try and escape.

"Ms. (L/n), please control yourself!" The same voice called out, a gurgling sound emerging from its throat before rows of teeth exploded from the mouth, broiling over the body as it quickly expanded into a bulbous form with several connecting strands of flesh that linked to the ceiling above them. A guttural groaning bubbled up, red pockets of blood rising in its throat before popping and spreading the visceral spray everywhere.

The woman known by only a last name screamed into the fabric, her eyes twisting away from the terrifying display of how a human could turn itself inside out. The others were swelling in response, their skin not enough to hold the mass of meat and flesh as it tore open, organs spilling through the newly opened holes as they reached out to her.

'Bend to me.'

Ms. (L/n) stilled as a dark voice called out from her room, the small creature now pouring out of the doorway as its dark slime-like flesh ripped apart and reformed around its new size. The mouth that it used to have was now a sharp beak, its tongue rolling around its face as the unblinking red eye started right at her.

She couldn't move as the monsters around her clung to her form, their fingers pulling at her clothes and skin, frantically to get at the tender meat underneath. A hand hooked around the fabric keeping her from speaking and wormed its way into her mouth, the vile taste of iron and copper coating her taste buds as the fingers grabbed at her tongue.

'Bend to me!'

The previously small monstrous creature was nearly the size of the room she was currently in, its slimy texture clinging to the walls and floor underneath her as the thing reached out for her. The humanoid horrors had torn off all of her clothes and began to peel back her skin, her own blood pouring onto the floor and mixing with the creature's own fluids, Ms. (L/n) quickly losing her footing and falling down to the ground.

She screamed as loudly as she could before another hand was shoved into her mouth, smothering her cry as smaller tendrils slid down her throat and poked into her nasal cavities. Her eyes rolled up in their sockets as it became impossible to breathe.

'Bend to me, (y/n)!'

The thing that started this whole thing was now consuming her legs, the limbs chewed up uselessly by the massive beak as the elongated tongue wrapped around her and the other human horrors, eating everything up indiscriminately. The beak pierced into her chest, clamping down on her heart...but she didn't die, looking up at the Lovecraftian horror that was staring right back at her, the single red eye never leaving her face as it morphed into a smaller version and splitting in two. A man's face emerged from underneath the pudding-like skin, his lips pulled back into a wicked sneer as he glared down at (y/n).

'Bend to us!'

(Y/n) gasped as her eyes flew open, gripping her stomach tightly as she panted heavily, scrambling to sit up in her bed. Silence flooded her ears before she heard a small blurble of water, drawing her attention over to a dark spot in the corner of her bedroom.

It was a small spot that shifted with the light before she realized it looked like a pudding stain that had sat for months without being cleaned up. Her abdomen twitched in pain as she stared at it, her gut yelling at her to not let this thing out of her sight.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear when two red eyes opened from the pudding-like thing, staring right back at her as a soft voice cooed in her head, a voice that didn't belong to her.

'Bend to me, (y/n)...'

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