13. No choice

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3 years ago, my father went to another country to sort out business matters. He never retured and so we thought he died. My brother had to take over our family matters. My father was a great man, we used to get on well. I used to spend hours in his study, watching him work.

- Levina.. my child.
- Father? I thought you died!
- No, Levina. My ship wreched on our trip. Thankfully, I survived, but I spent years trying to get back home. I had no money left, so I had to start new else where.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. A tear rolled down my cheak and I felt my back getting sligly wet also. Probably from my father.

- You have no idea how I missed you! Did mother and brother see you already?

- Yes, I got back yesterday, but we were worried sick where did you dissapear.

- I got stuck in the rain.. I could not get back home, so I stayed in the village till the morning.

- I'm glad you are alright, sweetheart..

We celebrated my fathers return with yet another ball. The king skipped it, my guess, that he was still dying from alcohol poisoning. Although during the ball, words traveled quickly. The word got out, that people saw me with a man and I did not look innocent...

My father called me to his study after the ball.

- Levina, I return home to this? You weren't alone the other night, were you? Who is the man?!
- Father..-
- Tell me!
- Father please!
He stood up and hit his fist on the table.
- Gosh damn it! Tell me woman!
I got scared, I forgot how terrifying he can be, when he is mad.
I let out a breath.
- I was with the king. Nothing happened though.. He got very drunk, the rain was pouring and I could not leave him alone. So I brought him to a barn and took care of him trough the night...
He eased up a bit, probably finding out, that I'm still a virgin.
- How are we going to explain this to people Levina? They will not believe, that you were trying to help. People have wide mouths.
- Well what I'm I supposed to do?! I can't just make them unsee it.
- I will have to talk to the king. It is his responsibility, because he put you in this situation in the first place.
- Father, I'm sure the king won't pay attention to you. I'm just a duchess, not a princess or a queen.
- We will talk soon, now leave Levina, I need to think.

I was slightly offended but I understood him. He only wanted the best for me and the best for my future. I do not know how anyone will marry me now, or how will I ever find a husband. I was spotted unmarried with a man. In this world, it is one of the worst sins. I started panicking. My life is over, the king is marrying princess of Italy, there is no use of me for him. And yet, nobody could even tell, that I was with him that day and not with some random guy.

I got back to my room, I collapsed on the floor and putted my hands on my face. I kept telling to myself " I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I'm doomed". I didin't even realize, that I felt asleep on my floor with tears in my eyes, but when I woke up, I was in my bed. I don't know, who took me there or did I sleepwalk and went there myself.

When I felt asleep, it was still the morning, however, once I woke up it was quite late. I obviously couldn't sleep anymore, so I decided to take walk around the mansion. I spotted, that my fathers study room's door was open and light was coming from it. My brain told to investigate it. I Poked my head to look, who is in there and I saw my father sitting by his table with his hands on his forhead. He seemed worried. He raised his head and saw my shadow. I tried to hide but..
- Come in Levina, I know you are here.
- I'm sorry..
- I needed to talk to you anyways. I hope you feel well. I tried to talk to you today, but I found you on the floor sleeping, so I carried to your bed.
- What did you want to talk about?
- I visited the king today, he was kind enough to hear me out. I demanded him to take responsibility for what he did.
- Father, what did you do..?
- He refused at first, but the I told him that I know rullers of near by countries. Over the years they started to trust me and I could ruin his relationship with them in seconds. I could tell everyone, that the king used poor girl and raped her.
- What were you thinking! How I'm I supposed to look him in the eyes now!?
- Levina, you will look him in the eyes till you take your last breath. Because..

I knew where this is heading.. I held my breath.
- Because you are marrying him.

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