15. Will you?

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That day I was still dead from all the alcohol poissoning. We found Levina's kidnapper and I wanted to take care of him myself. No one.. NO ONE will hurt her ever again. And I will always make sure of that. I killed that stupid man and went down to the bar to calm down my nerves. Although, I should have never went there. I was enjoying my glasses of alcohol until I saw Levina and some kind of blonde man walk in with her. I had no right to her, I hurt her on purpose and I'm an engaged man. But yet, my blood boiled from this sight. I saw her dancing, and that douche staring at her like she was his prey. I started drinking even more, until moments later she saw me. She took her escape and my legs without a command started following her. I don't know what I was doing, I don't remember much, only her scent, embrace and warmth of her hands as sue took care of me that night.

My head was aching the next, I couldn't think straight and I forgot to hide Levina under my cloak also. She gor exposed and the whole village started spreading rumours, that she was a slut. This pissed me off so badly, but I couldn't do anything to the whole town. It will be suspicious, why I show so mucj affection to Levina. So my ass did nothing, and I felt bad for it.

The next day I recieved a visit from her father. Apparently, he is alive. He was very agressive and demanded to take responsibility for yesterday's events.
I was an engaged man, and I could not reject the princess for the second time. But that man knew week spots. I couldn't risk other countries aliance also. So I had to take the offer to marry Levina. I was both relieved, that I will marry the woman I care for, and not the one I have to marry out of duty,  and stressed, that this will probably cause arguements with Italy. I explained everything to the princess. She was very mad, and threatened to start war. But for Levina, I was ready.
Although I planned to never show her my feelings for her. Other people could see it and take her away from me, and I.. I can't handle to lose her again. So this will be the only choice.

I came to pick her up that evening. It broke my heart seeing tears rolling down her cheaks. I wanted to wipe them away, hug her, but I couldn't. She probably hates me anyways. I took her hand, helped her get into the carriage. She looked fragile. It felt like any second she could just shatter.
It's been around 2 weeks and a half since she is back and she got to experience so much already. She will be a great queen, and mother to our children.. children.


- Levina, I need to discuss some things with you.
- Go on.
- After our wedding.., we will move to the castle. This is our summer palace, so I don't live here all year long. The castle is 2 days of travel away.
- Will.. your parents be there too?
- They will come to congradulate our marriage, but they will leave soon.
- What about out honeymoon? - I didn't even realize, how this question slipped through my lips.
- Y-you want a honeymoon?
- Do you?
He let out a breath.
- I will.. see what I can do.
He didin't seem happy about this idea, but if he will be my husband, I should participate in this union also.

We have finally arrived to the palace.
- You will be staying in this room. - said Lucien.
I nooded.
- I have some business to take care of, but you feel free to do whatever, it will be your home from now on too.
- Can I come with you?
- A lady should not do business.
I blood started to boil.
- Excuse me!? So you think a womans place is to just produce children, trow balls and please their husbands?!
- It is a mens job. It is also our job to protect our wifes and make them happy.
- Lucien, think about it.. are you really making me happy right now? What do you even need to protect me from?
- It does not matter Levina. Maybe some other day I willl bring you along, not today.
- So this is what my life will be like from now on.. someones puppet. - I wispered, but Lucien heard it. He stopped for a moment, but quicly enough started walking again.

No, this little king won't tell me what to do. I quietly started walking down the corridor. Gladly, I lived here before, so I  know where the study room is. I made my way down there and pressed my ear to the door.
- Your majesty I don't think, that you have made the right choice.
- My choices doesn't concern you.
- She would have created an aliance between two countries, now, the situation has become even worse.

What situation are they talking about? What's going on?
- I am well aware of this problem, but I would be risking even more, of I didin't take duchess hand.
- But my king! This is war we are talking about!

A war? Is it because of me? Lucien is risking to start a war, just because my father told him such nonsense?
I backed away and came back to my room. There must be something that could be done..

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