Chapter 8

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"What do you mean? This girl cannot possibly be Hecate reincarnated! The timing just doesn't add up!" Hera argued.

"What other explanation?" Zeus shot back.

"Brother, listen to me." Hades tried to over voice the king of the gods.

"Not now brother."



"Father, I do think it wise you listen to Hades." Athena urged.

"Fine." Zeus agrees then nods Hades on.

"Hecate is still gone. The mist, however, attached itself on to a being with a strong enough heart. This girl, Malia. She is now the regenerating the mist. The necklace appeared now because the girl has now generated enough mist to sustain it." Hades answered. "The girl must become The Mist, and everything will return to somewhat normality."

"Wow, Hades. I'm impressed." Athena complimented, which rarely happens. "How do you figure?"

"Oh! How?" Hades stuttered," I may have, possibly, stolen this scroll from Apollo's room..."

"Good job uncle! I am so proud!" Hermes sighed.

"Hey!" Apollo cried.

"What are we supposed to do with her now?" Dionysus thought aloud.

"Me?" Malia whispered so lowly that no one heard her.

Yes you. Touch the necklace and focus all of your energy into it and think about balancing the earth. You are the planet's only hope.

"I know what I have to do!" Malia shouted over the council. The gods' quieted down. "I will restore this mist of yours, but if I do this, you have to erase every human's mind of your current existence. Do we have a deal?"

The gods all shared a silent agreement. "Deal."

"Now. How will you restore The Mist?"

"Leave that to me."

"Malia! No!" Percy burst through the doors.

"I'm sorry. I have to do this." Malia states. "Goodbye." She looked down at the jewelry and touched it. Her body starts to glow.

"No, stop!" Kate yells at her best friend. Piper pulls her into a hug, hiding Kate's face from what will happen.

Malia's body glows brighter. The glow color around her starts changing. Purplish to green. With a roar, her body explodes into a giant mist that floods the room, Olympus, and the skies.

The Mist had been restored.

Malia Smith had died a hero.

The humans forgot all about the gods' existence.

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