Chapter 10

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That night Annabeth showed me my bunk, it was three over from hers. Once I'm settled in, Annabeth calls lights out. 


I woke up to someone mumbling loud enough for me to hear. I climbed down from my bunk to go check on... Annabeth. "Percy? Percy, where'd you go? Why did you leave me?" She kept mumbling under her breath," Percy, stop. Please, STOP!" She yelled the last word. Whatever she was dreaming about was scary enough to wake her up. 

"Annabeth are you okay? You were having a bad dream." I rubbed her arm, attempting to comfort her. 

"Where's Percy? Is he alright? I need to go check on him." She sat up but I stopped her from getting out of bed. I decided to play a joke on her. 

"Annabeth... Percy died, months ago." I said trying to hold a strait face. 

"What?" She began to sob. "So my nightmares are true?" She continued to sob.

I was starting to think I shouldn't of said anything when Percy burst through the door. "ANNABETH!" He rushed to her side. "Hey everythings okay now. We're together now and forever." Her sobs died down, and I decided I should back off od this situation that was getting really awkward. 

Once I was seated on top of my bunk again, I realized I was the only one who had woken up from Annabeth's mumbling. Then I noted my sibling beside me had earbuds in his ears, smart kid. It's to block out the screams. I need to get some of those tomorrow. 

I lay my head down on my pillow and fall asleep to Percy comforting Annabeth, wishing it was me. 

AN: Sorry it's a short chapter but I'm kind of stumped on how to continue this story. Suggestions are welcomed!

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