Chapter 6

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Percy's POV:

A week later I came back to school with Piper. We attended our classes like usual. My mortal friends seemed to be distancing themselves from me, and I had no idea why.

I had the bright idea to confront them at lunch. But first I had to get through greek with my mom.


"Today class, we are going to practice speaking greek. Who wants to volunteer to speak in front of the class." She paused. "No takers I see.... Percy, Piper c'mon down!"

"Yes ma'm!"

"Begin!" Mom belted out.

«Χμ, hey Σωλήνες." (Uh, hey Pipes.)

"Γεια σου Perce." (Hey Perce.)

«Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι η ομίχλη έχει φύγει!" Percy replied. (I can't believe the mist is gone!)

"ΤΙ ?!" (What?!) Mom followed the conversation.

"Ναι. Χείρωνα μας είπε αυτή την εβδομάδα." (Yeah. Chiron told us this week.) Percy sighed.

«Χείρωνα μας έστειλε πίσω σε μια αναζήτηση για να ανακτήσετε έναν ημίθεο εδώ στο σχολείο." (Chiron sent us back on a quest to find a demigod here at school.)

"Πιστεύουμε ότι είναι τα Μάλια, αλλά θα πρέπει να περιμένει έξω." (We think it's Malia but we will have to wait it out and see.)

"Okay that's enough. Take your seats please. Everyone else, begin practicing with a shoulder partner." Mom fell back in her chair, exhausted.

"Hey Kate!" I walk up to my friend, proceeding with my plan.

"Oh! Uh hey Percy..." She said with force.

I scrunched up my face," Ya know if you don't want to be friends, you just had to say so!"
I say and turn on my heel to talk to Piper.

Bring! Bring!! The bell rings dismissing us from class to lunch. Piper walks by my side as we go through the lunch line for food. Next thing I know, we're sitting down at our usual table with our friends staring at us.

"Uh hey guys!" Piper says trying to break the awkwardness.

"Why don't you just tell us what your problem is with us, and maybe we can skip over the whole awkward drama of everything!" I say with attitude.

Piper slapped me on the arm," Sorry. He has much of a temper."

"So we've read." Kate vaguely mentioned, while lifting up a stack of books on to the table.

"What are those?" I question.

"2 book series. Percy Jackson and The Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus."

"What??" Piper dragged out.

"How'd you get those? There's only one copy of each, and after the scribe wrote them Chiron locked them up in the Big House." I whisper-shout at them with narrowed eyes.

"Oh my god, he didn't deny anything." Malia stated.

"So.. Everything in these books is true?" Kate asked.

"Uh... Yeah.." My hand suddenly finds interest in the back of my neck. Hey, I mean they would've found out eventually.

"So you're one of these demigods?" Reese asks slowly.

"Yeah. So is Piper. Haven't you read the second series?"

"I just got them last week! You can't possibly expect me to have 10 books read in a week!" Kate exclaimed.

"Hey what do I know? I can barely read!"

The sound of the PA system turns on and the voice of our school principal speaks through it shakily. "Students, if you'd please find your way to the auditorium we have some guest speakers that'd like to speak with you all. Thank you."

"Now? Now's when they decide to?!" I shout at the speaker in the ceiling, earning me a few odd glances from the people in the café. I smile at the people to show them that I'm fine and have not lost my sanity.
We walk among with the mortals to the auditorium to take our seats, but not before.... Humph! Jared came and knocked me to the floor. "What the hades was that for?"

"Only the beginning of my revenge for the broken nose." Jared shouted, pointing to his badly bruised nose.

"Hey, I could've done worse. " I say calmly standing up, giving my death stare.

"Okay you two..." Piper said breaking up a fight that wasn't going to happen.

"Okay let's go. Beauty Queen." I smirk.

"Shut up!" She pushed me playfully.

"Yeah. You walk away with your girlfriend." Jared yelled behind us.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I shout back at him, then turn to Piper. "No offense Pipes, I love you but your like a sister to me."

"Yeah, same. Your like the big brother I never got growing up. And Leo was like the little brother I never got." She said with a sad expression on her face. I pat her shoulder for comfort, and led us to through the auditorium doors and tok our seats with Kate, Reese, and Malia.

"Who do you think the guest speakers are?" Malia asks. No one answered.

"Cool necklace! Where'd you get it?" Piper says to change the topic.

"Oh! I don't know. It just appeared one day. Isn't it unique?" Malia says touching her necklace. It was a black key and an silver torch.

A big flash erupts in front of everyone, on the stage. "Greetings mortals." Zeus thunders. He gazes over the teenagers in the room and his eyes land on me. "If anyone knows who we are, they should feel compelled to do what they know to do around us." He says still staring directly at me.

I breakaway from his stare to have a silent agreement with Piper. We both agreed we should go up there before we are blown to bits on the spot.

"Where are you guys going?" Reese questions.

"What we are supposed to. Uh, Malia... You might want to come with us."

"Why?" She asks nervously.

"Just.. C'mon." Piper grabs her wrist and drags her. Malia follows behind.

When we get to the stage, we kneel before Zeus and then to our godly parent. Though my dad told me not to a while ago. "Hey dad."

"Hello my son." My father hugs me.

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