Chapter 4

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Kate's POV:

It's been a week since that incident, and neither Percy or Piper have been to school. I asked Mr. and Mrs. Bolfis about it, and they just acted weird and said he was sick. I also asked about Piper and apparently she was 'sick' too.

So while they are out, I was gonna see if the Internet knew of them. I went to the library and got on one of the computers. I typed in Piper McLean in first. It brought up a lot actually. Piper McLean is the daughter of Tristan McLean, yes the actor, and has quite a track record. Mainly for stealing. Next I typed in Percy Jackson. First thing to pop up was an article about a nation wide man hunt for him and two other kids. Then his track record. He's blown up every school he's attended, wow.

Next I logged on to the school library book search thingy-majgy. I have no idea why, but it felt like something or someone, was leading me to type in Percy's name. So I did. Ten books popped up. A Percy Jackson & The Olympians series and a Heroes of Olympus series, five books each series.

That's weird. I think to myself. I need to check these out.

"I'm sorry. You may only check out 3 books out at a time. " The frustrating librarian said.

"Ugh, but I need all of them!" I complain.

"Only 3!" She says.

"Fine! I'll take the first three!" I submit to her rules.

"Okay." Then she starts to check out the books. The Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, and The Titans Curse. "Here you go."


Immediately I began to read the 'stories'.

After I finished the first book, I gave it to Malia. I'm a fast reader.

"But I can't read! The words get all jumbled up!" Malia complains at our table we sit at in the coffee shop.

Next thing I know an odd couple walks into the coffee shop. A gay couple. One boy with blonde hair and an amazing tan, and the other boy with black hair and extremely pale. If that odd match up wasn't weird enough, they were caring weapons. The blonde boy had a bow and arrows strap to his back, but it kept flickering to a backpack. The pale boy had a black sword by his side, but it kept flickering like it was there and then it wasn't. Like I said an odd couple.

I had to read the rest of these books and quick.

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