Chapter 12

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A/N: 2 updates in a week! You guys are lucky!!! Dedicating it yet again to @inkwolf17 for helping me out with these recent chapters. If we are all lucky she/ he (i don't know your gender. I feel like your a girl but i don't know) will keep helping me throughout up coming chapters. 

Kate POV

My determination to ruin Leo and Calypso's relationship has fully taken course now. It even went the extra mile to affect Percy and Annabeth's relationship. 

Oh look at that. Percy and Annabeth are fighting again in the quad of the cabins. Let's go watch shall we? 

"She was your first love Percy! Obviously you would take her side!" Annabeth shouted aloud. 

"Oh like I was your first love! Should I raise Luke?" Percy would comment with snide. 

The argument continued on like this for another good ten minutes. At last it took an interesting twist. 

"Then maybe we should just break up!" Annabeth hollered. 

"What?" Percy whispered, shocked..

"We've been arguing non stop since Calypso got here. Clearly we don't work well together."

"But I love you." Percy fought.

"I love you too. But love isn't enough anymore." Annabeth paused and then kissed him. "Goodbye Percy." Percy bolted to the beach. Everyone could see the tears eliciting to fall down his face. 


I went after Percy to check on him at the beach. "Percy.. Are you alright?" He just hugs his knees and doesn't reply. "Can I sit?" No reply, so I sit anyway. For a good half hour we just sit there, looking over the ocean. 

"Why do you like me?" Percy says out of know where. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean why do you like me?"

"I don't know.. You've just always stood up for me. Like at school everything with the whole Reese situation and stuff." 

"I did that because you were my friend."

"Past tense noted." I say sadly. I never wanted to lose Percy. 

"Yeah, I guess my head just doesn't think you're a friend when you wrecked mine and a friend's relationships."


"I don't want to hear it Kate! Annabeth is the love of my life, and I don't think I can look at you the same for ruining that relationship."

"Please, Percy, forgive me?" 

"I'll consider it. Later." With that Percy stood up and dove into the water.  



Chiron called for me, Piper, and Percy to the Big House. "Children.. I regret to inform you that I must send you back to school." 

"Chiron! Please, don't send me back there! I hate it there. Annabeth and I, we're not over! I have to get her back, you know how much I love her!"

"I agree with Percy, Chiron. I can't go back there, all the boys keep hitting on me! And I swear if one more does I will skewer him with my knife!"

I just sat there silently. I actually wouldn't mind going back. I was getting bored with the people here, not to mention ever since I got here I feel like I have forgotten who I am.  

I think Chiron saw the hopeless argument, so he looks to me. "Kate, what do you want?" 

"I think... I think I want to go back to school." I say, almost shamefully. 

"As you all wish. You may choose to stay or leave. If you shall choose to stay then I will send you to New Rome for a proper education." 

"Thank you! That's all we've been asking for!" Percy and Piper sigh exasperated. 

By the end of the day I was packed and ready to return to Goode. I thought I should say goodbye to all the friends I made when I realized, I didn't have any.  Depressing. 

At Thalia's Pine is when Percy showed up. "Kate! Kate! Wait up!" 

"Percy? What're you doing here?" I was secretly hoping he was going to confess his love for me. 

"I just wanted to tell you, I forgive you. Annabeth and I worked through our problem, and are back together. Hopefully for good this time. I plan on marrying that girl. Um.. Goode-luck at Goode. Haha.. Um, yeah."

"Goodbye Percy." I say as I turn down the hill where Argus was waiting to take me back to the city. 


A/N: Okay guys! I'm only planning on one more chapter for this! I may have more but I highly doubt it. Reason #1 is because I suck at updating as much as I do. #2 I feel like this story is dragging along with no direction. 



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