Chapter 1

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One month after the Giant War.....

Percy's POV:

After surviving yet another war, my mom and Paul want me to go back to high school. Well at least he got me back inside Goode, so I'd have a few friends from my previous years there before.

I walk through the entrace doors of yet another high school, and make my way to the main office. I look up to the secratary, who looks way older than Chiron,"Can I help you with something?" She askes rudely.

"I need my schedule."


"Percy Jackson."

She looks through the papers on her desk,"Ahh... Sorry kid, your names not here. There is a Perseus Jackson, though. Any relation?" She said smugly holding out the paper to look at it.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I smirked taking the schedule from her.

"Have a goode day!" She said miserably.

I walked out of the office attempting to read my schedule, ya know I really hate dyslexia sometimes, and of course that's when I walk into someone.

"Hey watch it!" A female voiced from the floor.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching- Kate?" I said putting out a hand to help her up.

She gladly took my hand," Percy? Oh my god! Where have you been? We have been seriously worried. No one's heard from you in over a year!" She pulled me into a hug.

Kate has dark brown, extrmly curly (but not cinky) hair, crystal blue eyes. Also, she was one of my good friends that I made here at Goode.

"Long story." I say not wanting to explain why I disappeared.

"Then give me the short story." She nagged on after she picked up her books.

"Went on a trip with a few friends." I sort of tell the truth. Anxious to change the subject, I ask her," Can you help me with my schedule?"

"Right, dyslexic. Forgot about that, but yeah sure!" She said taking my schedule from me. "1st block you have Algebra 2 with Ms. Fisher , 2nd block you have Marine Biology Ms. Elanso, 3rd block you've got Greek/Latin Mrs. Bolfis, lunch, and then 4th block you have English 4 with Mr. Bolfis."

WHAT?! My mom is teaching now? How'd I miss that?

"Okay thanks! Uh, do we have any classes together?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah Algebra, English, and Greek!" She said obviously proud of herself for remembering her schedule after the 1st month of school.

"Awesome! Show me to the math hall?"

"It would be my pleasure!"

Hey don't look at me that way! Kate is just a friend! She has a boyfriend, well she did. I don't know if they're still together or not. Besides that I LOVE Annabeth!!!

We take a pit stop by my locker, so I decided I'd ask her. "So how's the last year been for ya? Still with Reese?"

"Oh, uh, you missed out on a lot this past year. But actually I broke up with him over the summer...." She says like she sort of regretted it.

"Really what happened?"

"He joined the swim team and made captain."

"That's great! Isn't it?"

"At first it was, but then he became the king of jerks! When he made captain, he started acting differetly like he's the best swimmer in the world." She explained," After a while, I couldn't take it anymore, so I broke up with him." I snorted at the part when he thinks he's the best swimmer part.

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