"Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?"
- Roman 2:3
Thither's a fellow at the market,
A beggar of the soul
He keeps with him a coin
Of golden copper tone.Worn from years of worketh
Just like his calloused hands
Weathered by the Devil,
And desperate dreams of man.'t roles between his fingers
A token of his nerve
And the children sing of stories
Of a Prince's vile curse
"The Beggar wast a Prince,
A handsome sir of court!
He did dress in drapes of velvet,
And did hath a lovely wife
But a beldam he did meet one morn
And yond mistress' filthy words doth bite!'While the children sang of stories
The elders did leer in Spite!
"A Beggar is a Beggar
A miserable, pitiful plight."
They tore away the children
and spat as they wenteth by,
"Beggars are but Beggars
A filthy ugly sight.
They all belong in bedlam,
far from pious light."
T.H. Ballard's Fairytales
FantasyA collection of cautionary tales inspired by the classics. For lovers of the Brothers Grimm.