Chapter 16 (your pov in the hospital)

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I woke up to a constant beeping noise. Where was that coming from? I opened my eyes a little bit and looked around. My mom was sleeping in the chair next to the bed and my dad was standing by the wall. Wait was I in a hospital? Where was Michael? I started to sit up so I could get up and look around for him. My dad saw me and yelled for a nurse.

A short lady with blonde hair and blue eyes ran into the room frantically. When she saw me sitting up she seemed to calm down a little and smiled. "Everything is going to be alright now that you're awake we're going to have to do some tests. If everything is ok I believe you'll be able to be realised by tomorrow" the nice nurse said.

I stopped paying attention to what she was saying and started to think about Michael. Why wasn't he here for me? What even happened to me? Then it all came back. The car hitting Michael's side and him telling me he loves me before blacking out. Is he ok?!?!?! The nurse was still talking but I interrupted her. "Michael Clifford do you know where he is? Red hair, pale skin, eyebrow piercing, and was wearing black skinny jeans with a band tee!!!" She nurses eyes looked sympathetic.

"He's going through surgery right now. The car hit on his side so he has some major injuries. I'll keep you updated honey" she said to me before giving me a weak smile and walking out of the room. My parents walked over to my side and smiles down at me. I couldn't return the smile though. I wanted to know that Michael was ok. I swung my feet over the bed and tried to step to the floor but dad took my feet, put them back on the bed, then pushed me back gently so I was lying down.

"Honey you need to rest. I understand you're worried about him but there's nothing you can do right now. Just rest and the nurse will keep you updated." He got the hair out of my face then kissed my forehead. "Everything is going to be alright" he said. I took a shakes breath then looked down at my hands. "Can you leave me alone for a little bit so I can get some sleep" I said.

I wasn't really tired and I loved my parents don't get me wrong, but I just wanted to be left alone. My mother nodded her head then gave me a quick kiss. My dad did the same and they both walked out of the room. I spent about an hour thinking of all the things I could have done for this to not have happened before I finally drifted off to sleep.

An: sorry this is a very short chapter but I'll update the next one today it's just I wanted to change perspectives and skip ahead a little.

Thanks for reading my book.

It would mean a lot it you liked and commented I need opinions sometimes. Thanks love y'all

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