|•|The Work Day\Past {Part 1}|•|

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It was a early morning, Henry Stein, a 19 year old, gets up slowly because of his family. His dad, James isn't the best. His mom, Veronica, is fine. His brother, Oliver, is the best. Luckily, his mother had awoken him to get ready for work. "Hunny, time to get up..Sweetie? You fine?" He heard his mother does softly. "Yeah, okay." His mother waited patiently for him to realize. 




"WAIT, WORK?!" Henry yelled , getting out of his bed, more like falling out. Henry Stein was average-looking. Brown hair with a black strip, a green eye and a a black eye. "Yes hun, work. Breakfast is on the table. Your father is at work still." Henry sighed, saying, "Thank you, when will he be back?" His mother looked at him smiling a slight frown. Then said, "I'm not sure, hun. But he is again keeping the money to buy... well you know." 

"Mmm...okay. Yeah, I know. I'll try to be back, before he gets here, alright?" Henry said looking at his mother who had a slight frown on her pale-tannish face. "Alright, hun. You should get dressed. " She said smiling a bit, leaving the room. Henry Stein quickly got off the floor, standing up, walking to the closet, getting his change of clothes, and walking into the bathroom.I

After Henry gets out of the shower which was only 10 minutes long, he quickly got dressed, put his slightly ripped boy jeans, put his black shirt on, then put his light black jacket on. He slid his socks on, as well, as his sneakers, and walked out to meet up with his brother and mother at the table.

 "Hey Henry." His brother, Oliver said. "Hello." He said back to his brother. Heating his food up, he quickly wanted to start a conversation, "Hey, Mom, Oliver, how's your mornin' going?" Henry said. "Eh. Good I guess." Oliver said after chewing his food and swallowing it. "Oh, it's going fine hun." His mother answered. Henry sat down taking a bit, they talked for a bit, until Henry left for work.

 "Be safe hun! Love you!" His mother yelled at him as Henry walked down town, where his work was. " I will Mother!" Henry responded. Henry eventually ended up at his work, which is, 'Joey Drew Studios'. Henry walks in, seeing familiar faces. "Hey man, how's your day?" Sammy Lawrence asked. "Fine." Henry responded. "Oi, if another pipe breaks, I swear, I'm outta' here!" The familiar voice, Wally Franks said, walking up to them.

Henry sighed and said, "Another one bursted? I swear, Joey's going insane now a days'." Sammy nodded. Wally spoke up, "Yeah! I can't work with pipes! He expects me to fix em' all. That's impossible!" Sammy said, "Oh, this morning, he asked all of us to donate a item, he said, like, "Will you please hand the Bendy doll." And I was confused but I gave it anyways." "Really? He even asked me! He said, something along the lines of, 'it's a offering to the lord.'. " Wally said telling Henry about it.Walk

"Is he talking about Bendy?" Henry asked slightly confused.  "I dunno'!" Wally responded. Sammy agreed by shaking his head. "Huh, probably. Joey has always been haywire about Bendy." Henry said. Sammy says, "Erm..I don't like Bendy." Henry and Wally roll their eyes. "Anyways, I got to get to work, you know, drawing the animations, and all." Henry spoke. They both nod their heads, while Henry walks to his desk.

{It was short- I know. But, I wanted to get the book started, ya know? I was also inspired by Uw U__Chan. I think that's their name. Sorry if I got it wrong.}

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