|•|The Work Day\Past {Part 2}|•|

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"Where is that little biscuit?!..." Henry muttered under his breath, wandering around the Studio, passing some people, looking for someone, more like thing. "I swear..." Henry said under his breath.

Henry kept wondering around the studios, eventually running into Boris. "Ah, thank goodness I ran into you!" Henry said relieved. Boris looks at him weird, moving his eyebrows in confusion. "Oh, sometimes I forget you can't talk. But, happen to know where that little devil went?" He said remembering. 

Boris points in a direction. The left direction, to be accurate. "Thank you, Boris." Henry said to Boris. Boris just nodded his head, as he watched Henry walk away, Boris mutters a quiet, "Your welcome.." Henry didn't know Boris could talk, because Boris never cared to talk. Only sometimes would Bendy or Alice would hear him talk.

Henry jogged in the direction Boris pointed at. 'Finally, I have a lead.' He thought to himself. On the way, he bumped into Alice. "Oh, hello, Henry hun." Alice said helping Henry up. "Ah, thank you. Hello too, Alice." Henry responded. "May I ask, why you were jogging?" Alice asks.

Henry stares at her playfully-angry, "Bendy...took...my...work..." Henry said. Alice held in a laugh, "Well, I don't know where he is." Alice said smiling. "Okay...I'll keep going the way Boris told me too." Henry said suspiciously. "Alright. Good luck." Alice says happily. After Henry left, Alice burst out laughing. "B-bendy...you-you can- hahaha- come out n-now." Alice says laughing so much, she can't talk.

 Bendy gets out from behind the cardboard-cutout of him and says, "Thanks, Al. He had no idea! Hahahaha!" At that time, Henry knew he was tricked by Alice, so he walked back in saying, "Hey Alice, I know you know where he-" He says not looking at Alice, until his eyes convert to Alice, then Bendy. "-is.." Henry says that, finishing his sentence.

"O-oh..hi Henry?" Bendy says. Alice laughs even more, "HAHA! Y-your plan f-fa-failed-Haha-!" She says going into a laughing fit. Henry looks at Alice and says, "'Hahaha'. Alice, you were apart of this. So, don't think your out of this." Bendy sticks his tongue out at Alice, Alice doing the same thing.

 "Stop arguing like little kids. And give Henry back his artwork." A familiar voice says. "Mr. Drew." Henry says. "Mr. Stein. " Joey Drew responds. "Oh, while I see you Henry, I need you in my office at 8:00 p.m." Joey says looking at Henry. "Of course, Mr. Drew." Henry replies. Bendy walks to Henry, hands him his work, and whispers, "Good luck."

"What did you do, Bendy?" Henry whispers at Bendy. "Oops- I said too much! See ya, Henry." Bendy says quickly and speed walks away. Joey Drew walks away saying a quick, 'Bye.' Henry stares at Alice, "Hey, do you know what Bendy did?" Henry asks. "Actually this time, I don't know. He might have not done anything. Bendy might have said that so you wouldn't worry."

There's a mini stare-off between Alice and Henry, until Henry says something, "Ah, okay. If he did something, I wonder what he did." Alice nods her head agreeing. "Happen to somehow know what time it is, Al?" Henry said. "Hmm..I somehow do, it is 6:46 p.m." Alice responds. "Thanks Al, wow, I've been here for 7 hours already." Henry Stein says impressed with himself. "You got here at like, 7:30. Huh, strange." Alice says.

                              |~•~|When It Is 7:53|~•~|

Everybody has left, saying it asking why Henry was staying, or just saying bye. Henry, is now currently hanging out with the cartoons, chatting. Let's see what they're talking about,

"Seriously Al.?" - Bendy.

"I-..." - Boris.

"BORIS TALKED?! HE SAID 'I-...'" - Henry.

"He has always talked, hasn't he? Also, yes. Yes, Bendy." -Alice.

 "...HE HAS?" - Henry.

"Yeah, are you an idiot?" - Alice.


"I- I am confused..." - Boris.

"Same..same." - Henry.

Henry and Boris continue watching Alice and Bendy argue. Until, Henry whispered to Boris, that he had to head to Joey's office. "Alright...can you stay over?" Boris whispers back. "Maybe..maybe, bud. We'll see." Henry starts walking to the office. He opens the door.. "Ah, Stein, your here." Joey said. "Of course, pal. What is it you need?" Henry responded. 

Joey insisted for Henry to sit down, Henry eventually sat down. "So, Henry, is the work done?" Joey asks. "O-oh, yes! It was due today, I forgot. But I had it in my pocket," Henry pulls out a piece of folded paper. Hands it to Joey. "There. Sorry." Henry said as he passed it to his boss. "Ah, thanks. I knew my best worker wouldn't let me down." Joey smiled while saying that. "While I'm here, and it's late, Boris wanted to know if I could stay the night, here?" Henry asked a bit nervously.

"Of course you can, Henry. If that's fine with the toons. Then it's fine by me." Joey said. Joey then leaned over, "Hey, I've never got something from you, do you have the book.?" Joey questioned. "The Illusion Of Living?" Henry said as he passed the book to Joey. "Why yes. Thank you for your services, you may go now." Joey Drew said.

Henry walked back to where he originally was with the toons. He starts hearing bickering in the distance, immediately knowing it's Bendy and Alice. Henry walks in and goes to Boris. "Now what are they arguing about?" Henry asked\whispered. "Eh. I wasn't paying attention. Can you stay?" Boris asks excitingly. "Yeah, the old man said it was fine. Now, let's break the argument up, shall we?" After they broke the argument up, Joey walked by.

"Alright, I'm going now Henry, Bendy, Alice, and Boris. See you tomorrow." Joey says walking out the door and locking it. There was makeovers, parties, games, and finally tiredness spreading around the room. "Hey, do you know where the mattress is? " Henry asked, yawning midway. "Mhm...follow me." Alice said. They were all in a bedroom and eventually all passed out.out

"Daddy, can you tell me another story?" 

 "Sweetie, it's time for bed. How about, daddy will tell you another one tomorrow?"

"Yeah, me and papa, will tell you another one tomorrow." 

"Awwh! Okay! I better go to bed then! Love you, daddy, papa. Good night!"

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