Why..? Why did you leave us?..Henry.\Past (From a video!)

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There's a door, in a rather messy hallway. Ink on the floor and walls. But that one door, stands there, waiting to be opened, with a ink spot on it. Something different, something wrong, something old? This Studio went to Hell and back. Posters that are ruined remains on the walls, Boris's table lies there, Alice's domain empty, Allison and Tom, nobody knows. The Ink Demon walks the halls, leaving no trace, but ink. The Exit door, forever alone. The holes, forever stay, until, the loop resets. Sammy's and Norman's domains, are empty. This time line, was different. Everybody knows it too. Let's go back to the door, shall we?

The door, slightly cracks open barely enough for even a Human head to fit. Speaking of Humans' heads, a head pops out, which we can tell is Henry's head. His eyes move around to look around to make sure the coast is clear. The door silently shuts again, like nothing even happened. Let's explore, what's behind the door, shall we? When entering the room, Alice and Boris sits on the floor looking sad but confused, whispering to eachother. Henry turns his head towards them and says, "The coast is clear. We should play it safe for now." 

Alice and Boris look up at the male, they nod their heads in understanding. Alice finds the courage to speak, "Henry..uh..we've been meaning to ask you this.." Henry nods humming a 'Hmm', to show he's listening. Alice continues speaking, "Why..why..did you uh.. Leave us?" Henry was shocked but then looked sad, while looking at the floor, at the question but decided to answer it anyways.

 Outside the door, you can see Bendy or the Ink Demon, walking the halls, stopping at the door saying, "Where did that blasted old man go?!" He was obviously looking and talking about Henry. He heard somebody talking behind the door and soon realized it was Henry, debating whether or not to kill him, he listened instead. 

Inside the door, Henry answered the question, "Well.. I didn't leave, not intentionally." Alice looked up with Boris and listened. Bendy outside the door, kept listening not feeling anything but rage. As Henry met talking, Bendy felt more sympathy for the male. "I was drafted, a lot of fellas' my age were. I couldn't do anything about it. I spent time there, when I could've been living my dreams here!" Henry spoke, all the toons' felt sympathy. Even Bendy, who was listening, outside the door. Until...

Boris decided to speak up and ask, "Well, if you didn't wanna leave, why didn't ya' come back?" Henry was thinking of the right words, which came out in stutters,  "I- uh.. I- .. " . Bendy was full of raged because he was stuttering, Bendy walked away thinking that Henry was making an excuse, when Bendy walked away, Henry found the words and said it, "Well..After I left, Joey wasn't happy with me for leaving. But- but-" Henry fists and fingers clumped together, because he was angry.

"If I have knew what- happened..I- I.." Henry stops speaking when he feels a hand on his shoulder, and a hand on his hand. He opened his eyes to see Alice holding his hand and Boris holding his shoulder. They bring him into a hug. Henry having a few tears but laughing slightly.

Meanwhile, with Bendy. There he was far away enough, so he didn't hear anything, nobody could hear him, and he was against the wall, sitting. He lifted his head up and had inky tears running down his face and has tears at his eyes. His face was full of rage, he spoke, "If you didn't want to leave.. Why did you abandon us?.." 

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