15: New Nightcrawler

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POV: Kirishima

Today is hard. I haven't seen him in I don't even know how long and the next time I see him he's dead.

I'm so useless. Once again I let James slip though my fingertips. I was there, and stood there with the others while 5 others went and found him. Why was I just standing there? I had the feeling he was there, I mean, I knew he was in the league but I went with the flow. I went to save Bakugou, why didn't I even try to save James. AAAAAAHHHH!!!

Crap, what a mess, I should probably clean my room.


James: Ha, you have a punching bag in you room.

Kirishima: You know it.

James: Holy shit, this place is a gym in its self. You know, this is so on-brand of you.

Kirishima: What do you mean?

James: Ha, it's nothing.


He didn't make sense some times. He was a weird one, but he was a good friend. If I was in his shoes, there's no doubt that he would find me. Why didn't I do anything, why?

*Knock knock knock*

Haia: Kirishima, um, sorry, but Mr. Aizawa is calling us to a mission. Um, so, suit up.. and meet us down stairs.

Kirishima: Ok, be down there in a second.

Why now, why out of all times do I have a mission?

I get change and head down. I see Haia, Ashido, Kaminari, and Jirou. I look behind Mr. Aizawa and see the three people from today. I guess this is serious.

The minute that guy told us his name I knew not to trust anything he said. Friends, you weren't fooling anyone.


James: You know, you're a good person.

Kirishima: Thanks, but I'm not doing anything special. I'm just the normal.

James: Well your "normal" is way different then the real normal.

Kirishima: Why do you say that?

James: I mean, you are fucking buff, I mean, look at you. You're someone I see on a magazine that has hot guys on it.

Kirishima: Wow now that's a compliment.

James: But I mean, you're some buff guy hanging out with someone that only weighs 124 pounds.

Kirishima: It's only a 30 pound difference.

James: That's not the point, I mean you're nice to someone that looks completely opposite then you. I'm as skinny as a stick.

Kirishima: It's not like that makes you who you are.

James: Ya definitely but a lot of people don't think that why. I was bullied because of my weight and muscle mass. I mean there was a whole bunch of other stuff that was added to that like Killing someone but that is something that they brought up a lot.

Kirishima: Who did that?

James: David and his gang. He found out that I had a crush on Maddie so he hated me even more. But even before all of that I was made fun of because of that stuff, but here, only Bakugou brings up that stuff. The rest of you are nice. I mean behind that scenes could be a whole different story but it's just different than what I'm used to.

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