24: Fight for your Life

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James and Nightcrawler are surrounded.

Nightcrawler: What are these things?

James: Wait, you don't know!


James: Watch out!

James pushes Night out of the way and gets slammed into the wall, making a crack in it.

Night: HOLY SHIT!!!

They run up to James.

Night: Are you even alive?

James: Damn that hurt

Night: That's impossible.

James: It's all good, I was prepared for that. What's your quirk? I can make a strategy if I were to know.

Night: I don't have one.

James: You're joking right. You have to get out of here. These were made to kill All Might. My quirk is good for surviving these things but even I don't have that fire power. I heard even the big man himself had to do a 500 hit combo to take just one out.

Night: What the fuck.

James: Listen to me, I'll buy time for your escape. And although I won't kill him, I will beat the living shit out of Shigaraki you hear me.

Night: Alright fine.

James: Listen up, these things have more than one quirks. So just getting past them is not going to happen so we have to trick that strong one into hitting the walk behind us.

Night: I'll go around to the one and get it.

James: Then I will lead it to the wall.

Night runs around three Nomus. They gets to a big black one and it looks at her. They run past the three they pasted before, and the black Nomu pushes them aside.

James through the rock at the black bird. It turns his head and charges James. Unable to move in time, the Nomu smashes into James and right through the wall.

Night: HOLY SHIT!!!

Night runs around the standing Nomu and runs right towards James.

James was just laying on the ground.

Night: Hey kid... um... are you alive still???

James: Sadly yes. *grunts* Leave now. I have no doubt that you are strong but these things are a different breed. Like I said before, I don't think I can take one of these things down so someone without a quirk would just be signing their death wish.

Night: Damn it, I can't.

James: You'll have to do the impossible then because I'm not going to let you even pick up that pen.

Night: What about you, it's looking like you have it on the paper.

James: This isn't the first time I signed this it. Death and I have a weird connection. If it turns out to be my last dance then so be it.

Night: You're crazy.

James: I know.

Night: Cartridge right? I don't know if you're lying or not, but that this point I have no chose to trust you.

James: Just leave. It's time to play.

Nightcrawler turns around and runs the opposite way.

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