36: More Training

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POV: James

Hello again, it's been a week since Halloween. I've been doing fine recently and have gotten back in the grove of classes again. It's funny how I go from not being in a class for months to sitting here non stop learning things. I don't mind it, but I'd rather have fun and stop crime.

Today I heard we are going to be doing some training like we did when I got here. That should be fun. I have a lot of tricks I would like to use against people.

Mina: Are you excited for next class!

James: Yes actually. I'm in the mood for some fun.

Mina: I hope we can be on a team this time! I really want to try some combo moves with you.

James: You and your combo's man, you have a problem with that.

Mina: They're so cool, and we both have similar quirks so we can so a lot of stuff!

James: I guess you're right.

All Might: Hello everyone, hope you all had a good day.

Everyone: Good afternoon All Might!

All Might: Like all of you probably know, we are going to be doing some fighting training.

Class: YES!!!

All Might: Now we have 3 more. We did 2v2's before but this time I will be combining teams and adding people in. This will be a 4v4. I will use some old teams and add to them. Team A will be Midoriya and Ashido, but I will add Kaminari and Kento. Facing them is Team B which is Cook and Smith, with Kato and Haia.

Mina: Damn it!

James: Yea that kinda does suck.

When I say kinda, I mean a lot. Kaminari is on the other team. This isn't something I would like to be honest. His quirk can do some real damage to me if I'm not careful. I haven't used my lightning redirection in a while, so I might have problems doing it.

The rest of the teams get called and we all make our way to the training area. Everyone is in their hero costumes except me. I can make mine anytime I like so I'm going to do it later.

Another thing I don't like is how my team consists of people I haven't fought alongside with. That can be dangerous so I'm not very happy about it. It's whatever really. I don't really care because whatever I'm doing, I'm gonna win.

POV: Narrator

James was once again waiting outside of his designated building alone. It looked fairly similar to the old one he was at last time but a little different. He sat on the car guidance rail and looked to the sky.

Deku: Good luck James.

Mina: Get ready to get the floor wiped with you!

Kaminari: YEA!!

James: Good luck to you too.

Kento walked with them and just stared at James. James stared back giving a devilish grin.

Erika: Told you he'd be early.

James: I'm not early, you're just late.

Erika: No we are supposed to be after them.

James: It's not like it really matters if I'm early, not like it hurt anybody.

Erika: Jeez.

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