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Yoongi's POV

I immediately push her softly on the bed and get on top of her. I kiss her flashed cheeks and stare at her beautiful eyes. I can feel that she is as much nervous as I am.

"Are you sure about this? You can always use the handcuffs..."

"Yes Yoongi... I want this." she flashes a reassuring smile. She is so adorable.

I ever so softly kiss her lips and all the way down her neck. Her breath is getting heavier and slower. Small moans escape her mouth and the situation is getting unbearable.

"Damn you're so sensitive"

I attack her lips and the whole thing turned into a hot makeout session. Our tongues pressed together in rythm.

Her taste so sweet I just can't get enough.

Huridly, i take off my shirt and throw it somewhere in the room.

I take off her hoodie and then her bra. Gosh, the view is breathtaking...

I just stayed like that admiring her now exposed breasts.


"Damnit you make me shy..." She said while covering her red face with her hands.

I place my thumb on her left nipple and started making circular motions. Her eyes close from the pleasure and her breath hitches. I take both of them in my hands and squiz them softly.

Her soft moans, a melody in my ear.

"You like that?"

"I-it feels really good.."

I go down to her pants and place a kiss on her belly. She wiggles and laughs and I just couldn't help but smile. I love it when she is happy.

I unzip and take them off carefully. Her naked view is beautiful. She looks like a goddess. Everything is perfect in my eyes. Her legs,arms,belly, breasts,hair ,lips,eyes... Her.

"Why are you so fucking gorgeous?"

I start caressing , placing kisses and cat licks in every part of her body, from top to bottom.

I could hear her laughing softly as I kept on going.


I'm filled with euphoria. I feel like everything just stopped and it's me and him now. Nothing else matters.

The things that he does to me, all these emotions are new to me. I could never believe that a person would make me feel like this.

And oh boy...His body...they way he is on top of me... He is so handsome. His pale complexion, his black adorable ears, those brown slanted eyes. His slim figure. It drives me crazy...

I feel so safe under his touch. And excited for what is yet to come...

"Are you ready love?" He says lustfully and he just turns me on even more

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