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Right now, I'm outside of my apartment, scared of what Yoongi said on the phone

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Right now, I'm outside of my apartment, scared of what Yoongi said on the phone.

So many bad things are passing through my mind and every second I'm more and more afraid.

I immediately open the door and go inside.

What I see makes me freeze in my place.

The whole apartment is a mess! Things all over the place and broken things everywhere.

And there is Changkyun and Yoongi sitting on the sofa looking at me blankly.


His eyes widened and he just looks at me.

Yoongi:"Y/n I...."

Changkyun:"It's a misunderstanding..."


Y/n:"ok let me get this straight.... So Changkyun came into the house and you thought that he wanted to steal something???"

Yoongi:"I mean...Yeah..."

Y/n:"And then you panicked so you attacked him..."


Y/n:"And you destroyed my house!" I raised my voice causing them to flinch.

Y/n:"Ok listen to me Yoongi. I , myself... Gave Changkyun a pair of keys... because the most of the time I'm not in the house so if he needs something he can come..."

Yoongi just kept looking at me with an annoyed face.



I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

Now Changkyun knows about Yoongi ...How am I gonna explain to him... Great.

Changkyun:" Y-y/n...Can we talk...alone?"

He dragged me inside my room and locked the door.

Changkyun:"Y/n... You have a hybrid in your house and you didn't say anything?!"

Y/n:"Wait... You know what a hybrid is?"

Changkyun:"OF COURSE I KNOW! "

Y/n:"Why are you so mad! Relax... I found about this yesterday!"

Changkyun:"He is dangerous Y/n! Dangerous."

Y/n:"You're talking nonsense..."

Changkyun ruffled his hair in frustration.

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