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Y/n:"Yoongi...I have to go!"

Yoongi:"Why? Can't you just go tomorrow?"

Y/n:"Tomorrow I have other things to do."

Yoongi:"Wait. You're leaving tomorrow too?!"


Yoongi:"Please stay...What if someone comes? Or what if... I set the house on fire by accident?!"

I just gave him a 'really?' face.

Y/n:" We talked about these things! You're not opening the door to anyone, if you need something call me and don't go into my room-"

Yoongi looked a bit confused.

Yoongi:"Pfff...I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Yoongi sat down on the floor and looked me with a pouty face.

Yoongi:"Don't go..."

Y/n:"...Bye Yoongi-"

I turned around to leave but Yoongi hugged my leg and started whining.

Yoongi:"Pleaseee! Don't go!!!"

Y/n:"Yoongi stop! You're making me feel bad now!"

Yoongi:"That's what I'm trying to do-"


Y/n:"Just stop already!"

I kicked him softly and opened the door.

Y/n:"Promise me you'll be a good boy."

Yoongi:"I'm not a dog-"

I just rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.

*knock knock*


Yoongi:"Y/n... Don't go..."

*Knock knock*


Yoongi started knocking the door from the inside.

I feel so bad now! This boy definitely knows how to make you feel guilty.

But I had to go so I brushed it off and left the building.

Yoongi's POV

I'm looking at the door and waiting for her to respond.

Well all I want from her is to stay here. Is that too much?

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