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I was woken up by the sun from my window.

Y/n:"Ahhh shit..I forgot to close the curtains again."

Let's be real. EVERYONE loves sleep. Well... Most of people.

So I'm really annoyed when someone or something wakes me up.

I sat on my bed and looked around.

Y/n:"Hmmm...what happened yesterday..."

Ah yes. The cat-

I went to the living room after some minutes of spacing out and saw the cat still sleeping.

Y/n:"Alright... everything seems ok."

Y/n: "I'm hungry though..."

I decided to eat cereal. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.


Y/n:" Where is the fucking milk-"

The milk was gone.

Y/n: "where IS IT? I remember I had milk yesterday. Ts! I guess no cereal..."


The cat was sitting on a chair. It was still a bit sleepy.

Y/n: "Oh! I didn't see you there. Good morning, wanna eat?"


Y/n: "I think that's a yes!"

I took a plate and put some tuna that I had. I placed down and it ate with appetite.

When it finished it licked my foot and went to the living room to sleep again.

Y/n:"hehe. You're welcome!"


Y/n:"Ok so. Changkyun will be here in a bit. You know he is really kind and a really good friend. I asked him to hang "your" painting haha!"

I kept on talking while the cat was ignoring me.

*ding dong*

Y/n: "HE IS HERE!!!"

I opened the door and there was Changkyun with a big smile on his face and his tools.

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