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I was on my way home from my favourite café

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I was on my way home from my favourite café.

The rain was falling heavily and the wind was blowing.

I was running and my shoes were wet. Well, not only my shoes. All of me was wet.

I had so many ideas on what I could paint on the white canvas I left on the floor in my apartment.

I often go to that café. When I need inspiration or when I'm sad or bored. I also work there! Well... sometimes.

I just love the smell of coffee and the sound of the little bell when someone enters the café.

Its so calm and peaceful. Damn I love that place...

As I was running I saw someone throwing a box near a big garbage bin  and then leave.

I kept on running when I herd a sound from the box near the bin.


Wait what-

I approached the box and then again...


What the -

I opened the box and there was a black cat with big yellow eyes.

I...I was shocked-

"That bastard.."

The cat was looking me with fear in it's eyes. I tried to decide what I should do.

"Hey kitty... Dont be scared."

I tried to touch it but it scratched my hand.



"It's ok....you're just scared. That's all."

I closed the box and decided to take the cat home. And the next day to find an animal shelter or something like that.




The cat jumped out of the box and started running in my apartment.

"Hey don't be scared!"

Suddenly it bumped in the can with the blue paint.

I started chasing the now blue cat in the whole apartment.

And then...


It jumped in the white canvas, left blue paw prints and hid under the sofa.

I took a closer look on the canvas...

"Blue paws"

"hehe.... that's cute."

SO. This is my first fanfic EVER.

Idk why I decided to do this I-

BUTT I hope it turns out good...

Vote and comment plz it helps me a lot lol.


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