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Hey gays, guys and potatoes.

Well, as you can see I'm not ending this book, I can't.

I have school and my parents take my phone and yeah... :/

SO. I decided to write the plot of the story because I think it was cute.... Idk... I really wanted to complete it but yup.

So let's start.

So, as you know Y/n's father and brother died. She is no longer is touch with her mother and she has dreams of becoming an artist.

Yoongi on the other hand is a hybrid-

I wanted to put and the other BTS members in the book... Or... Um... Look.

So Yoongi grew up with them and after a fight they split up. And I wanted to make a different book for each one of them and tell their story.

Super hard.

So Yoongi met Y/n and now they live together...

In the next chapter I wanted to write a scene about Y/n and him going to shop clothes for him.

He was super happy because for the first time he feels so free and spents good time with Y/n.

But when they go to pay the assistant freaks out with him and complains about not wearing a collar...(because hybrids are 'dangerous')

Apparently,Yoongi expected something different from Y/n. I mean to speak up for him or something like that.

But she just apologized and they left.

He was disappointed, sad and mad with the judgment of the others because he is different and secretly hates it.

I wanted to make more scenes like that. I mean, all the people getting afraid of him because he is different.

Well Y/n also met Rosé.

So Rosé plays the role of Y/n godmother or something. 😂

I mean, I wanted to make them best friends.

So Rosé helps Y/n with her poorness and because of her Y/n starts college. I think Art school or something.

Well Rosé is in a relationship with a rich man but Rosé doesn't really love him. Her mother wanted a forced marriage because of the money...


I wanted to write also... A gay scene with Rosé and Y/n...

Rosé understands her feelings for Y/n and after coming out of the closet she makes her first move...

They kiss...

Y/n kisses back only because she doesn't want to make things awkward.

She doesn't have feelings for her but for Yoongi...

Rosé understands and is happy that she cleared things out. But they're still friends anyway.

Yoongi starts to feel weird.

He and Y/n came closer.

Y/n also came closer with Changkyun ( I mean they're bffs 4 life -.-) and Yoongi gets jelly and angry.

But he isn't sure why.


After some chapters the day comes...

Yoongi found again Y/n's book "doodles", he opened it and haha...

So Y/n was drawing about him... And yeah he unterstand that she had feelings for him and that made Yoongi for some reason happy...

I mEaN wHY?¿

Anyhow, so I wanted the whole 'Omg I like her' thing to be in a scene like the one at the shop.

But this time Y/n won't be afraid to speak up and she will unterstand that being different doesn't mean you're dangerous-

And that's the time when Yoongi unterstand that he had feelings for her.

SO! At home they have a little talk about that.

Y/n loooved him and wanted to make him understand that he is amazing and whatever the other said she will always love him.

The cheesiness , but that's how human feelings are.

So Y/n as we know is a really unconfident girl. Yoongi helped her and she made finally a first move.

So they're now together YEY.

After some days... Yoongi gets he's heat...

And you know what that means... SMUT.

So in the smut yoongi wants to make Y/n happy and love herself.


Well... Somehow Changkyun finds out about the sexxx thing...

And he gets mad.

Because come on of course he has feelings for Y/n-


And the fact that Yoongi made her happy and not him ... Sister... He mad-

So eventually they fight again. Hands to hands with Yoongi and then Y/n puts an end...

Well some shity things are happening. And Y/n finds out that her mother died too...

Tears , depression and darkness...

And yeah... So Y/n decides to start a new life?!

So she leaves with Yoongi for somewhere else...

She believes that a different palce where Yoongi is acceptable it's better 👉👈

And omg I imagined it winter, it was snowing and for song i wanted to put spring day OMGGGG.

And you guys are waiting for the train and then you go inside and you know it's so ' aesthetic' lol.

And you have a little cute conversation.

And then he falls asleep on your shoulder skjdbebrebr.

I mean... :<<<<

Well that's it in a few words...

So this book has 10k+ and I'm sooo damn happy u guys!

And proud uwu

Thank you sooo much my loves really!!!

And yeah cyaaaaaaa <3"

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