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White. I have been looking at the white canvas for like half an hour.

I dip my paintbrush in the red colour.

Y/n:"No...Maybe yellow?!"

All I can say is...fuck

I'm just sitting here and I don't know what to do. I'm so frustrated!

Y/n:"Come on...Think!"

I look over at Yoongi's painting. I told Changkyun to hang it in the art room because... It calms me down...

I know it's just paws on canvas. But it's pretty cute... And aesthetic also!

The blue paws go along pretty well with the blue walls.

It feels like, you're in the sky... All alone.. peace and quite...

But the room is pretty messy... Cans of colour everywhere, paintbrushes ,paintings, sketches...

I have to clean this place-

I approach the painting and just stare at it. Yoongi...

Yoongi , is a new 'problem'.

Well I don't want to see all of this as a problem but... It really is!

I'm on a tight budget... I can't afford both of us. Plus I'm leaving pretty often from the house, I can't leave him alone all the time!

And don't forget that he is half cat! This is a lot of responsibility.

And what if I don't go along with him...

*knock knock*

I look over at the door and see Yoongi's head pop inside.

Yoongi:"Hey Y/n...Is everything alright?"

Y/n:"Yeah... Want something?"

Yoongi:"I just wanted to thank you for the food, It was delicious."

I smiled sweetly at him.

Y/n:"Thank you. My mum teached me how to cook."

Yoongi:"Well, congrats to your mother."

I laughed slightly and he gave me a shy smile.

Yoongi:"Also, I wanted to check up on you . You're here for like an hour."

Yoongi comes next to me and looks at the painting.

Yoongi:"Ah...I'm so proud of myself..."

We both laughed and looked at each other.

Y/n:"If you want I mean... You can try paint something."

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