chapter twentyone 🤍

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as i slowly woke up i felt trents arm around me and i immediately knew i was going to throw up.
i shot up out of bed and ran into the hotel bathroom making it just in time.
"you alright babe?" trent yelled from the bed
"yep" i said with my head still hanging over the toilet and he walked in
"oh shit" he said walking over and pulled my hair behind my shoulders and held it so it wasn't in my face as the other hand rubbed my back "you okay?" he asked me and i nodded before standing up and splashing my face with water "come here" he said holding his arms out and i wrapped my arms around his bare waist and he rubbed my back again "all this shit will be worth it in the end babe" he said softly and i lifted my head and looked at him.
"i love you so much" i said and he smiled
"i love you too baby, now take a shower get yourself cleaned up yeah?" he said and i nodded.
we still didn't start work for another hour or so so i took my time getting ready.
me and trent had to work until around 2 and then we had our appointment for our scan at 2:45 and i have never been so excited.
i got dressed putting on my shorts and white england training top.
me and trent walked together to breakfast and i just had some fruit and trent had his usual full english.
we sat at a table with kyle, jesse, marcus and us.
"marcus you excited for lucia to come out?" i asked as today was her flight.
"i can't wait liv, just miss her" he said and i smiled
"you guys got any plans for this afternoon then?" jesse asked and i just looked at trent
"yeah think we are going to go shopping after we are finished here" he said and i nodded
"i heard they got some class shopping places round here" kyle said and we all nodded
we carried on chatting as we ate and eventually began work.
i spent some time in the physio room on jordan and joe before spending time answering some emails and having a short meeting with the medical team.
the day seemed to fly by and i was about to finish up when my phone buzzed

                             trent arnold❤️
do u want me to meet u in the physio room ? xx
yes please babs, i'm finishing up now xx
be there in 5 😘

just as i finished wiping down the physio bed trent walked through the door
"alright gorgeous" trent said as he walked in and smacked my bum as i leant over the bed to finishing cleaning it
"behave" i said laughing and he wrapped his arms around the back of me "right you ready to go then?" i asked him and he nodded so i grabbed my bag and my phone and we left the to go to our appointment.
we walked to the hospital as it wasn't very far and went in the big double doors to the building and i walked over to the front desk and trent sat in the waiting area.
"hi there how can i help you?" the women asked as she looked up at me
"hiya, i have a scan at 2:45" i said and she nodded
"ok, what's your name?"
"olivia marié watson" i said and she smiled
"oo marié is that spanish?" she asked and i nodded "ok so if you could take a seat over there then someone will come out and call your name when they are ready for she" she said smiling and i nodded before going snd sitting in the waiting area with trent.
"you nervous?" he asked as he put his hand on my
"no i'm actually really excited" i said and he smiled before kissing my forehead.
"olivia watson and trent alexander arnold?" a woman called out and me and trent got up walking towards her and she gave us a big smile before walking us into a room where trent sat in a chair and i got on the bed.
"ok so i understand you aren't from here is that right?" she asked and we nodded "ok so i'll put all of your notes from this scan into a folder that you can give your midwife back in england"
"ok thankyou" i said and smiled
"is this your first time having an ultra sound?" she asked and i nodded "ok great, so if you lay down on the bed and lift up your top i'll put some of this gel in your tummy and it's going to be cold, then we will start your scan!" she explained and she was absolutely lovely.
i did what she asked and she put the gel on my belly and it was definitely cold.
she started the scan was had the screen facing her before all of a sudden we could hear a little heart beat come from the machine.
"that's your little ones heart" she said and i looked at trent who was wiping away a tear and i got emotional as well.
she turned the screen to face us and began pointing at it and explains what was what.
"so this is the little head and the. the hands and the legs and feet" she said and trent grabbed my hand "do you know how far along you are?"
"my test told me about 3 weeks" i said and she laughed
"well that's definitely not correct, looking at the size and the development of your baby i would say around 8 weeks!" she said
"wait so you're 2 months pregnant" trent said laughing and i laughed as well
"that's crazy" i said smiling
"did you want your scans printed?"
" yes please that would be amazing" i said as she wiped of the gel from my stomach.
i pulled my top back down and trent put his arm around me
"7 months to go then" he said smiling
"i can't wait" i replied before giving him a quick kiss
"if you guys go the the front desk on your way out they will give you your pictures, here are all of your notes" she said smiling as she passed me the folder
"thankyou so much"
"do you mind if i have a picture with you both, my son is a big liverpool fan!"
"of course not!" trent replied before he took the women's phone and we all took a selfie together.
we said our goodbyes and went to collect the pictures.
as we began walking back i pulled the pictures out of the little folder they were in and smiled at our little baby
"that's you and me there" trent said looking at it "that's all us babe" i replied and he smiled.
once we were back in the hotel i opened up the boxes we were giving to the lads and put a picture in each of them before closing them all again.
"can we please go see them now?" i asked trent excitedly
"you really can't wait can you" he said laughing
"nope now hurry up, i'll text them all to meet in jordan's room, it's the cleanest" i said and we both laughed.

football fantasy// trent alexander arnold🤍Where stories live. Discover now