chapter twentyfour🤍

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a few weeks had gone by since the baby shower and everything had been pretty quiet. today i was in work doing some emails and all the boys were out training in the summer sun as it was boiling out today.
i went to press send on an email before i heard a knock on the door. "come in" i yelled
"we need you out on the field now" alex said as he pushed the door open and i could tell it was something serious as i got up from the desk and we ran out the office quickly
"who is it?" i asked him
"trent" he said and i felt my heart drop to my stomach.
we went to the physio room and i grabbed the injury bag quickly before running out to the pitch as i saw him layed on the ground and it was clear straight away how much pain he was in. Trent normally has a really high pain tolarence so when he says something hurts then it must be bad.
i got over to him and he was grabbing his knee which immediatly made me worry. whenever someone suffers knee pains, as a physio your mind goes straight to the acl which is pretty much the worst case scenario.
i got down next to him and he threw his head back in pain as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it "right scale from 1-10" i asked him
"like a 7" he said but his voice was strained with pain.
"fuck sake, right hendo can u sit him up for me" i said and he nodded as i tried to get his leg straight "this is going to hurt babe" i said as i pulled his leg towards me
"ah fuck!" he yelled and i felt so bad.
i put on the inflatable boot so we could get him into the physio room and then it would be down to the club nurse to do the rest.
we got him into the room and onto the bed and he layed the and i could tell how much pain he was in.
"itll be okay babe, i promise" i said as i grabbed his hand. from a physio point of view i knew it was probably bad and i wanted to be honest with him that he may be out for a while but as his girlfriend i wanted to sit there and tell him everything would be okay and it would all work out and try to make him feel just slightly better.
"liv i love that you are trying to make me feel better but seriously shut the fuck up cause im not in the mood and it really isnt helping right now" he said and pushed my hand away and i sighed.
"do you want to be on your own?" i aked and he didnt say anything "right ill leave you to it, give me a text when you know anything" i said before i kissed his forehead and walked out.
i wasnt going to take it personally, i got how he was feeling and i know what hes like, when hes struggling he would rather be on his own and me being there was probably just stressing him out more.
"how is he?" andy asked as i walked into the canteen
"i dunno robbo, he wants to be on his own so i know as much as you do at the moment, the only good thing i noticed is that the way he was describing the pain to me it didnt sound like hes done his acl" i said and they all let out a sigh of relief.
the day was nearly coming to an end, trent was still being checked over and i started packing up as my phone rang.
"hello?" i said as i didnt have the number saved in my phone
"hey liv, this is cara, im really sorry to ring but i dont know who else to talk to" she said and it was clear she was upset "can we meet and have a chat?" she asked
"yeah of course we can, dont be silly you can call me whenever, are you at home?" i asked her
"yeah" she replied
"ok ill be there as soon as i can" i said before hanging up and walking to the assesment room where trent currently was.
i knocked on the door and walked in and smiled at the nurse "hey ive got to go to simons house, ive jsut had a call of cara and something is definetly wrong"
"so youre going to leave me here so you can go and see some kid who has been in your life for a few weeks" he said and i gave him a confused look "crack on then liv, you do what you want, dont worry about me" he said and i sighed
"what are you on about, im going over there, ill be back here when you need picking up"
"dont bother liv, ill get dropped back by one of the lads" he said and rolled his eyes
"i literally just said ill pick you up but whatever"
"forget it liv, you carry on trying to please everyone, sort your fucking priorities out" he said and i just left, there was no point fighting over this when he was already in a bad mood anyways cause it was just going to wind me up more than anything because he was clearly in the mood for a fight anyways.
i got in my car and pulled out of the training ground and drove towards simons house.
i found a parking spot on his road and walked towards his house and up the path. i knocked on the door and cara opened it and threw her arms around me straight away and burst into tears.
"hey hey hey, dont cry" i said as i placed my hand on the back of her head and pulled her close to me "whats wrong" i asked her as we went into the house.
"Its mum" she said and i looked down "they said she wont live much longer, shes on life support and they want to turn it off, i didnt know who to speak to but i know from your instagram that you lost your mum" she said and i grabbed her hand.
"itll be ok, i promise. if anything you are so lucky, youve had your mum around for a long time, you have so many amazing memories that can last forever, i had mine for 9 years and i would have done anything for just a little longer" i said and she gave me a little smile "dont get me wrong, this is going to be completely and utterly shit, but you learn how to deal with it, especially your mum, you know shes in a lot f pain at the moment, that will all go away" i told her as i wiped a tear away as it rolled down her cheek.
"thankyou for coming" she said and i smiled " i know ive only been around a few weeks and you dont know me that well. but it means alot that you came to help"
"youre family, we do anything for our family around here" i said as i gave her a hug and pulled away as my phone buzzed and i looked at the screen.

                                trent arnold❤️
dont bother picking me up, hendo dropped me home

i read the text and sighed. "everything okay?" cara asked me
"just trent being trent, its been a long day" i said
"im really sorry if ive cause any trouble" she said
"no its not you i promise, hes just in one of those moods that all" i said and she nodded.
i stayed for a cuppa with cara before giving her a hug and leaving, i liked that we were bonding but i wish it wasnt over something like this.
i pulled up into mine and trents drive before opening the front door and walking in.
i took my shoes off and put my bag on the side before sighing.
"finished hanging out and having fun with your new little sister then" he said from the kitchen and at this point i was fuming. i walked into the kitchen and looked at him.
"her mums dying T, thats why she rang me, her mum is about to die and im the only she thought would be able to relate to her so if you call consoleing a 14 year old and talking about getting over grief fun then yeah i guess i had a great time" i said and turned away to leave the room.
"liv wait" he said and i stopped "im sorry,i didnt know" he said and i rolled my eyes
"of course you wouldnt cause you were to busy trying to start a fight that you didnt bother to ask" i said adn felt a tear roll down my face "i have been this close to breaking point lately T, first simon, then my brother acting a twat 24/7, now you, do not be the one to fucking push me over that edge" i said to him and he looked down and i sighed and sat on the chair
"im sorry"he said as he walked over to me "why didnt you speak to me about all this babe, im here for you, we are meant to be a team" he said as he hugged me
"because T, i didnt even want to think about any of it, i just wanted to crack on and do what i need to do and just ignore it all, like you yelled at me earlier i'm just trying to please everyone" i said and sighed
" you cant do that babe, its not healthy, speak to me about what you have going on because i just want to be able to be there for you and make it easier, and i love that about you babe you put everyone before yourself but eventually you need to be selfish and look after yourself, you can't please everyone all the time, put yourself first every now and again"
"i love you" i said as i wiped my cheeks
"i love you too"
"what did the nurse say then" i asked him
"well she called you a bitch" he said and i laughed
"did she really" i asked and he nodded "it's fine i always thought she was stuck up"
"i told her to pipe down" he said and i laughed "but seriously 2-4 weeks out so not too bad babe" he said and i let out a sigh of relief
"thank fuck for that" i said as i pulled him into a hug and buried my head into his chest and he pulled me towards him tightly.
"i never want to let you go" he said into my ear
"i never want you to let me go, i've got everything i want right here" i said and lifted my head and he smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"as long as i got you then i have all i need as well" he said softly before placing a kiss on my lips.

"as long as i got you then i have all i need as well" he said softly before placing a kiss on my lips

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trentarnold66- gutted to have picked up an injury in training today but can't wait to come back fitter and stronger❤️🔴
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