chapter thirtyone🤍

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the next morning i woke up and rolled over expecting to be able to cuddle into trent until i remembered he wasn't there and i sighed.
i picked up my phone and saw i already had a text from him.

                                 trent arnold❤️
morning princess, miss you xx
morning babe, miss you too :( bed feels so weird with you gone xx
i know babe, defo missed you this morning😉😏
ruined the moment🤣🤣🤣

i laughed at his text and smiled before getting out of bed and taking a shower.
just as i got out my phone started ringing and i saw it was dianne.
"morning darling" she said as i picked up the phone
"hiya, you okay" i asked
"yeah all good, did you want to come round ours tonight for some dinner and watch the match so you aren't on your own?" she asked and i smiled at how welcomed they all made me feel.
"aw yes please that would be amazing" i said
"no problem dear, i'll see you later" she said before hanging up the phone.
i quickly tied my hair up into a messy bun and threw on one of trents hoodie and a pair of shorts and trainers before leaving the house and getting into the car.
i drove to the clinic where i had the test done and waited for my appointment for around 10 minutes
"olivia watson?" a man called out and i walked towards him.
"hiya my names jayson, i'll be giving you the results today" he said smiling and i thanked him.
i followed him into a consultation room where we sat either side of a table as he pulled out a piece of paper.
"okay so looking here, you and simon jenkins both gave a sample is that correct?" he asked and i nodded
"great, so from the results we have gathered it seems very clear that you are in fact the child of mr jenkins"
he said and i felt my heart drop.
the person i saw to be my dad for my whole life was really just a man filling that space and everything i had ever known was a lie.
not only did i hardly ever have my mum around but i never had my dad around either.
i honestly had no idea where to go from here, my dad would always be the man who raised me, simon was just the person who my mum got pregnant with and that would never change but he did also deserve some right to be in my life.
"is everything okay?" the man asked as a tear rolled down my face
"yeah just a bit of a shock that's all" i replied
"and that's completely understandable, if there is anything we can do to help then please let us know" the man said and i smiled.
he spoke me through the results for a while before i left the clinic and sat in the car and dropped my head on to the steering wheel and burst into tears.
as i was sobbing my phone began ringing through the bluetooth speakers and trents contact appeared on the screen.
"hey baby!" trent said as i answered the phone
"hey bubs, how's paris" i said trying to not sound like i had been crying for the last 5 minutes
"what's wrong?" he asked seriously
"what do you mean"
"babe i can tell you've been crying, talk to me" he said and i burst into tears "aw babe what's happened"
"he's my dad T, simons my dad" i said crying
"fuck sake" he said under his breath "babe don't cry, this doesn't change anything i promise"
"but it fucking does though T! this makes everything so much more complicated, the guy who i always saw as my dad isn't even related to me and my brother has a different dad, i have 2 more siblings and my little girls grandad is a complete fucking stranger!" i yelled at him and there was silence "i'm sorry this isn't your fault" i said feeling bad for taking it out on him
"it's okay babe, you have every right to feel this way and you're right it does change things" he said as i tried to wipe my cheeks "does he know?" he asked me
"no not yet, i know his address so i might tell him in person" i said
"i think that's best baby" he said "i have to go train but let me know how it goes and if you want a chat, i love you loads" he said
"ok i will, love you more" i said before hanging up the phone.
i had a picture of the letter simon had sent me and it had a return address on it which i assumed was where he lived.
i typed the post code into the maps of the car and started driving there.
it lead me to a busy little council estate on the south side of liverpool and slightly reminded me of where i group up.
my family never had a lot of money but my parents would have done anything to make sure we never missed out on anything and it wasn't like they never worked hard, if anything it made me massively appreciate what i am lucky enough to have now.
i pulled up on the side of the pavement and looked out at the house that i believed was his.
i got out of the car and walked up the path before knocking on the door.
a young lad opened the door and stood in front of me with a confused look on his face.
"ain't you alexander arnold's missus?" he asked looking at me
"uh yeah, is your dad in by any chance?" i asked him knowing this was probably his son max that he told me about.
"yeah two secs" he said and i nodded before hearing him shout for simon.
"oh liv what a lovely surprise" he said as he approached the door and welcomed me in
"sorry for just showing up, i thought it would be better to talk in person" i said as he lead me into the kitchen.
"don't worry honestly. so is this about the results?" he asked me and i nodded
"yeah so, from the results the man told me it is very clear that you are my biological father" i said and he smiled and pulled me into a hug and i hugged him backs
"thankyou for this" he said quietly
"for what?" i asked him
"when i sent that letter you didn't need to reply, you could have left it and kept your life easy. i know this has probably cause mayhem for you but thankyou for finally giving me peace of mind" he said and i smiled.
"you're so welcome" i said to him before a girl walked into the kitchen and looked at me before standing still
"i follow you on instagram, ain't you liv watson??" she asked and i laughed
"yeah i am" i said smiling
"omg i love you so much! you and trent are the cutest couple, your baby is gonna be well cute" she said and i smiled.
"i think we all need a chat" simon said as he sat the girl, cara, down and called max down to the kitchen and we all sat down at the table.
"years ago, before i met your mum, i was seeing a women called jane, she's livs mum. it turns out i am actually livs dad" he said and i looked at the two kids.
"so are you our sister then?" max asked and i nodded
"yeah, well your half sister but that doesn't make a difference" i said and smiled
"that's class that" he said and i smiled before he gave me a hug
"wait so my older sister is someone famous" cara said and i laughed
"wouldn't say famous" i said said still laughing
"your 5 million instagram followers say different" she said and we both giggled.
"well welcome to the family" simon said and everyone gave me a hug "i would introduce you to my wife but she has cancer, she's in hospital at the moment" he told me
"i'm so sorry to hear that" i said and he smiled.
i didn't have long to stay as i needed to go to trents parents house so had to leave pretty soon.
i was still heartbroken about the result but meeting my siblings made me feel slightly more at ease.
i pulled into the drive way of the house and walked up to the door before letting myslef in with the my own key.
"hey" i yelled as i walked in
"oh hey honey, you look like you've had a long day" dianne said as she looked at me and i immediately burst into tears "aw darling come here" she said as she wrapped me into a hug "let's go get something to drink and you can tell me everything" she said as i followed her into the kitchen.
she made me a cup of tea and i explained everything to her about simon.
"have you spoken to your dad?" she asked snd i shook my head
"i need to tell him in person di, he's going to be broken" i said and she grabbed my hand
"he's probably been preparing to hear it to be honest" she said and i nodded
we continued talking for a while before we all gathered on the sofa and turned the game on to see all the lads walking out of the tunnel.
the minute i saw trent walk out i got that fimilar butterfly feeling in my stomach that i get everytime i see him and have ever since i first layed eyes on him and i couldn't help but smile. he was mine, the dad to my kid, the guy whole loved me, he was literally my everything.
the game kicked off and 17 minutes in the ball was passed to mbappe who shot it straight past allison and into the back of the net and we all groaned.
not long after hendo kicked the ball straight at mo who had a clear shot on target and it went straight into top bins and we all started jumping around.
half time came around and it was 1-1 but i had a good feeling about the second half.
2 minutes in we got a free kick and trent walked up to take it, it went straight over the top of the wall of players and into the back of the net and my, tyler and marcell jumped all over eachother.
the game finished 2-1 and i was so happy for trent.
not long after it finished trent facetimed me and i picked up and saw his smiling face straight away and screamed.
"i'm so proud of you!!" i yelled and he smiled even wider
"i love you!" he yelled back before i passed him to his brothers and they had a chat.
i finished up the conversation with trent by saying goodnight before i said my goodbyes to his family before driving back to our house.

liked by trentarnold66, bellaxknowles, jamesmilnerofficial and 701,592 others

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liked by trentarnold66, bellaxknowles, jamesmilnerofficial and 701,592 others...

liv.watson- someone defo enjoyed watching daddy play tonight, proud of all our lads🔴❤️
tagged accounts- trentarnold66, liverpoolfc

liverpoolfc- we missed you being here❤️🔴
liv.watson- ❤️❤️
trentarnold66- miss you both!! xx
jamesmilnerofficial- ur chap scored a worldie🤣
liv.watson- i do watch the games milly😂😂
bellaxknowles- ahhh growing so big!! can't believe it's less than 4 months to go!!
perrieedwards- not long to wait now xx
lucialoi- aw look how big the bump is🥺🥺
marcusrashford- don't go getting any ideas!!🤣
liv.watson- 😂😂😂

just as i was about to go to sleep i got a text of Trent

trent arnold❤️
never got that pic in me shirt today madam
guess you'll just have to wait to see it in real life haha xx
cheeky u are, miss you xx
our bed misses u lol, ain't used to this much room anymore🤣
i miss being in ur bed xx
me too😉😘xx
i'll make up for it tomorrow, promise😏❤️
i'll hold you to that now arnold, goodnight xxxx
night baby xx

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