Chapter 5: Persia

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I kicked a Zephie body off of my blade, sheathing it. I slid down a wall and closed my eyes. Trying to picture what this looked like before them. Before the aliens, before the nukes, before the fallout....

Before the Sand.

I pictured a busy intersection, a man in a suit rushing into a building, a mother pushing a stroller, a young couple laughing as they walk out of a theater hand-in-hand. I picture a young child walking her dog. I can almsot hear the puppy bark.


I do hear a bark!

I stood and ran to the sound. What I saw made me so mad. A small German Shepard mix was backed into a corner by two bigger mutated mutts. The one on the right had a deep gash over its face and eye and the other had a chunk taken from its leg. The dog in the corner was a puppy, but a big puppy. It moved on a limp leg and snarled.

I threw a rock and hit the one with the fucked up eye right in the ass.

"Awe, come here you adorable little shits!" I yelled, pulling my twin revolvers out as they sped at me. They were fast, but their wounds slowed them just enough.

Both dropped.

The dog in the corner ran at me, snarling, it still limped, and it was obviously hurt.

The look in its eyes reminded me of mine... Pain and lonlieness....

I dropped my pistols and got on my knees, I held my arm out.

I winced as it sunk its teeth into my arm. I reached out with my other hand and softly petted it.

So soft....

I kept petting and whispering.

"It's okay. You aren't alone. Stay strong. You did well, time to let somebody help."

Maybe I wasn't just saying that to the dog....

It let go and whined. I checked it's collar.

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