Chapter 8: Prison Break

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I was on my way back to my bunker when a squad of them spotted me.
I had no chance in this fight.
Five of those bastards against me?
I put up a good fight, put a hole in two of 'em, but two others grabbed each of my arms. I coughed up blood as a Zephie planted his foot right into my stomach.
"Is that it?" I asked and spit blood on his face.
"Dumb human!" He yelled and headbutted me.
Everything went fuzzy, then dark, then nothing...

I woke up to a blinding light.
"Am... am I dead...?"  I croaked.
My mouth was dry and my throat felt like I swallowed glass.
"Only if you do not cooperate. You have caused us quite a lot of trouble." It said. It wasn't like the others. It just sounded more intelligent than the rest of the Zephies.
Suddenly the bright light turned into many and I could see that it was a science lab. I looked over and saw the weirdest fucking Zephie. It was tall, slender, and it had four robotic arms sticking from his back. He had a magnifying glass over his right eye, making his eye look like it was bulging from his face.
"Well, aren't you beautiful." I croaked.
He pressed a button and I screamed as volts of electricity surged through me.
"Quiet, monkey." It hissed.
"Humans actually came from apes, liza-" He shocked me again.
A door opened behind him and a huge Zephie came in.
He was at least six feet tall and he looked buff. His scales were dark purple and his eyes were green. There was intelligence in his eye, like the scientist, but his was mixed with anger and blood just.
"It would be wise to listen, ape." He growled, baring his fangs.
I whistled. "Pointy."
He slammed the button and shocked me, my skin felt like I was being stabbed by needles.
"Lord Cravan, I need to focus when I start dissecting, so if I need you to leave, please." The scientist said. He sounded scared.
"So be it." He glared at me and grinned wickedly before leaving.

"Um, did you say 'dissecting'?" I croaked.
"Yes, human. But first, we will harvest your knowledge and memories. We intend to learn everything before wiping your species out." He said blankly, tapping a syringe full of green fluid.
"You will not feel anything. You will be unconscious."
He turned his back and I twisted my arms, loosening my restraints. He turned and laughed, the needle dripping slightly. I struggled more, flailing and thrashing.
The restraints broke and I lunged at him, grabbing the needle and pushed him back. He pressed the button to shock me, but I broke it off. He panicked and backed away. A glowing purple blade erupted from his chest.
"Coward." Cravan said and withdrew his blade. 
I sprung at him and rammed the needle into his eye, kicking him in the chest. He stumbled and I slammed a cart onto him, pinning him. I carefully grabbed the energy on his waist.
I ran. As fast as I could.
I could hear him from down the hall.
"I'LL KILL YOU HUMA-" The serum must have taken effect.

"I have to find my equipment." I panted and leaned against a wall. Alarms blared and I could hear footsteps of hundreds of pissed off aliens, all running towards me. I ducked into the closest door and came face to face with one. He raised his rifle, but I knocked it away and tackled him down.
I grabbed his gun and aimed it right between his eyes.
"Where would I find my gear?" I demanded.
"Armory.. Has purple glowing doors down hall." He croaked.
"Thanks." I said before bashing his head in with the back of his own rifle. Each strike made audible cracking and splatter sounds as I repeatedly caved in his skull.
I panted, covered in blood and brain matter.
"These things are going to pay for everything..." I promised myself and stood up, heading towards the glowing purple doors. I opened it slightly, then used the barrel to push it the rest.
There were three of them facing a glass wall, looking down at something. I could hear the sounds of yelling, a high bitched scream pierced the air and then there was a roar of a crowd. The one on the left growled and handed the other two what looked like coins.
"Human child was weak, not strong enough for wolf." The one on the right said.
What did he just say...?! Where they making a kid fight a damn wolf?!
This was it. These things make children fight against killer animals for entertainment. I thought of myself being a small child, scared of the neighbors puppy when it jumped at me, but that was a dream compared to this...
"Hey assholes, how about you fight for fun." I yelled and shot all three in the head. I looked around and laughed aloud when I saw my gear on a desk to the right.
After I was fully equipped, I turned to the door.
"Time to get the fuck out of-"
I froze.
The door opened and I knew I was done for.
There were too many to count, waiting for me, guns aimed and ready.
I turned and dashed to the glass wall, crashing through and landing on my left arm. I heard it snap, but this adrenalin rush had me going like never before. I got to my feet and sprinted through a tall steel doorway.
The roar of an army echoed through the corridors even after I was far away.
There were so many...
I kept going until I stood in front of another glowing door.
"Why the hell not?" I asked and opened the door.
A hot wind blew Sand in and I left.
I walked. Just walking for I don't know how long...
"How can I get home? What about Persia?!" I almost broke down.
I had to get home...

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