electric beauty [old]

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Fuck you.
Truly, I hate you.
At least that's what my mind thinks.

It says I want to leave,
Leave and go,
Never come back,
Just leave you alone.

My heart knows, but won't let you go.

Everytime we have a fight.
Everytime we have a fight, my mind tells me to leave you.
Everytime we have a fight, my heart tells me to stay.
My heart makes me want to be close to you, makes me want to feel your soft lips on mine,
Even tho my mind screams "leave!".

I can't leave you, the thought hurts alone.
My hearts so sensitive, it likes too fast and loves too deep.
And when I want to leave,
it tells me to stay.

And even though, sometimes I wish I could leave you,
We both know too well I never could.

Cause you, my love, my electric beauty,
Are more precious than any diamond treasure ever could.

January 30th 2021

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