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Tzuyu groaned when she heard loud knocks downstairs, she immediately sat up when she heard Ms. Park's loud voice. She stood up and fix herself to face them since she knew that Soobin is also with her at all times, Sana slowly woke up and stopped Tzuyu from walking away by calling her name.

"Tzuyu.. where are you going?" Sana asked as soon as she sat up on the soft bed, Tzuyu let out a sigh and looked at the brunette at the bed. "look, Ms. Park and Soobin is outside so don't dare make a noise, stay here." Tzuyu said and went outside, she went on the door but first, she let out a deep breath and calm herself then opened the door. She was right, it was Ms. Park and Soobin outside. Tzuyu showed a smile but her palms started to sweat, she's afraid Sana might start a damn show.

"how are you? it's been a while since i last saw you" Jihyo said and pulled Tzuyu on her embrace, "i'm fine Ms. Park" Tzuyu mumbled and scratch the back of her nape, Jihyo pulled away from the hug with a smile on her lips. "that's good to know" Jihyo said, Tzuyu nodded a bit then she cleared her throat. "uh.. what are you guys doing here?" Tzuyu asked and Jihyo held both of her shoulders, "isn't it obvious? visiting you of course, and also there's something that your mom and dad wanted me to say to you" Jihyo said and it made Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows, "what is it?" Tzuyu asked again, Jihyo chuckled, "i'll tell you when we get inside" Jihyo said and was about to walk away but Tzuyu immediately stopped her, making her confused.

"l-let's talk.. here" Tzuyu uttered and smiled nervously, Jihyo hummed and examined the latter's face carefully. Meanwhile, Soobin is just watching them quietly on the side, "are you hiding something from us Tzuyu?" Jihyo asked, Tzuyu shook her head and gulped, cold sweat began to fall on her head.

"then if that's the case, let us inside" Jihyo said and barged inside. Soobin followed her and they went on the living room, Tzuyu hissed and not knowing what actually she'll do. Tzuyu followed them on the living room, feeling so anxious that Jihyo and Soobin might know that she and Sana slept together last night. She didn't want to lie but she needs to, specially on the unfortunate event that is happening at the moment.

"so tell me" Tzuyu said and let out a deep breath, calming herself down. "they want you to come over at the mansion next week, they said they missed you so much" Jihyo said, Tzuyu laughed all of sudden and Soobin could only look down and shook her head a little.

"that's a funny joke eonni" Tzuyu uttered and wiped a tear that escaped on her right eye, then faced Jihyo with her fierce eyes. "please tell them to not care about me anymore, it's just making things worse" Tzuyu said and stood up, Jihyo let out a sigh because she can't believe that Tzuyu is now turning her back to her parents.. she's all grown up now.

Tzuyu was about to walk away but they heard a voice coming from upstairs, the three of them widened their eyes after hearing Sana's voice. Tzuyu's going to make sure that she'll make her pay for the embarrassment. "Tzuyu-ah~ i'm hungry" Sana cooed and smirked after, she couldn't walk normally at the moment since Tzuyu destroyed her last night so she needed to stay on the bed, and tease her.

"who's that?" Jihyo asked and Tzuyu looked back at her, "uh.. a friend of mine" Tzuyu reasoned, Jihyo stood up and faced Tzuyu. "what is she doing here with you?" she asked, Tzuyu gulped secretly. "we..did homework last night" Tzuyu reasoned once again and showed a sly smile, she thought she was gonna screw up but good thing Jihyo and Soobin believed her.

"oh you have a friend already, that's good to know! if ever you wanted me to bring snacks for you and your friend here, just call me okay?"Jihyo said and Tzuyu could only nod, she couldn't believe that Sana really started a tease to her. Tzuyu brought them outside the front door and she immediately bid goodbye.

"bye eonni" Tzuyu said and closed the door, she panted and face palmed when she realized that she lied multiple times today. She stormed upstairs and saw Sana smirking on the bed, she glared and approached her then harshly put her hands on Sana's neck, choking her.

"i told you not to make a noise but you brought me trouble. fuck you." Tzuyu mumbled and Sana let out whimper, "you're such a bad girl" Tzuyu added and hearing those made Sana's panty wet.

"t-then punish me daddy.." Sana mumbled while Tzuyu's hands are wrapped perfectly on her neck, Tzuyu blinked a few times and loosen the grip on her neck. She looked away and let out a sigh, "no" she answered, Sana caressed Tzuyu's shoulders gently and brought her mouth near her ear. Tzuyu could feel Sana's hot breath fanning on her ear, "why not daddy?" Sana asked in a flirty tone, Tzuyu closed her eyes tightly and let out a deep breath while Sana slowly sneaked her hands on Tzuyu's crotch, caressing Tzuyu's already erected shaft.

"i think the big buddy on your boxers needs some help" Sana whispered and that's it, Tzuyu lose her control and pinned Sana on the bed.

Sana could see the lust forming on the latter's eyes and it's making her feel the excitement and heat, she may be sore and having a hard time to walk but she still wants Chou Tzuyu's touch, so badly.

should i make a smut again or nah? it's up to you guys, goodnight.

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