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"you look so down today" Sana said as she gave the cup of coffee to Tzuyu, they're currently on the kitchen, having a warm cup of coffee. Tzuyu took the cup and sipped on it, "you think so?" Tzuyu asked so Sana nodded, she let out a sigh and slyly smiled. "how the hell i would live freely if i'm handling a god damn company in the future?" Tzuyu asked and gripped the handle of the cup, Sana let out a sigh and what she thought earlier was true, something did happened. "i don't know tzu.." Sana uttered and sipped on the cup.

Tzuyu let out a sigh, she's fucked up and she just want to take a rest. She stood up and all of sudden dragged Sana on the bedroom, she pinned her on the bed and stared at her. Sana blinked a few times because it's been a while since she saw Tzuyu on top of her, "tzuyu.." she called, the latter laid on top of her.

"don't leave my side" Tzuyu blurted, Sana smiled and feel the butterflies flying all over her stomach. She caressed Tzuyu's back and stared at the ceiling, "i will stay, as long as you want me to" Sana said, she embraced the latter and closed her eyes. "i will never leave your side but if you want me to.. i have no other choice but to distance myself away from you" Sana added, Tzuyu sat up and looked at her. Sana opened her eyes and found the latter slightly glaring at her.

"but what if i don't want you to leave?" Tzuyu asked, Sana sat up and slyly smiled. She held the latter's cheek and pecked her lips, "then i'll stay, that's it" Sana answered, Tzuyu chuckled softly and pulled Sana for a passionate kiss. Both of them closed their eyes and kissed each other with pure sincerity, at the moment Tzuyu felt Sana's soft lips, she forgot what just happened on the mansion earlier. There's nothing that bothers her mind because what she's been thinking is only that one person, the person she hated back then but now she's that person who's willing to stay and understand her even on the bad times..

Tzuyu pulled away from the kiss and pulled Sana on her embrace, Sana snuggled closer and sniffed Tzuyu's scent. The scent she always wanted to smell every single time. "i'm so glad to see you being a better version of yourself" Tzuyu mumbled and smiled, Sana's eyes becomes teary after hearing what Tzuyu had said. "if ever you feel sorry for what you did to me on the past years, then i'm sorry for hating you that much" Tzuyu added and caressed her back. Sana pulled away from the hug and stared at the latter's beautiful eyes, "if only i could wish one thing.. i would wish to bring back the time where i first saw you.. i would definitely stop myself from doing bad things and ruin your life" Sana said and a tear escaped from her right eye.

Tzuyu smiled and wiped her tears, she lean down and kissed Sana's forehead gently with both of their eyes closed. "there's no need to apologize because i finally understand why, i know you're just a person who's sad and wanted to be loved" Tzuyu said and it made Sana cry even more, she's right, so damn right.

Every sad people in this world just wanted to feel loved, even those people who talk bad to others are just sad people. "no matter what happens, i'll be always here to make you feel loved Sana" Tzuyu added and laid the both of them on the bed, Sana embraced her so tight like she doesn't want to let go anymore.The latter caressed her hair with a smile on her lips, The moment was so sincere and she obviously wants it to last forever.

lmao why some people asking if i'm a top or a bottom, the disrespect 🤬 anyways, i'm a botto- jk i missed you guys so much~

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