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Tzuyu's POV.

"holy shit i'm so tired" Jeongyeon said and sat beside me on the field, she's right though, it's a sunny day today and i can't see any clouds in the sky. We practiced the song which is "Really Really" by Winner, it's such a good song but i'm shy to sing it on the performance day. "why the fuck do they choosed to practice under the sun, i'm sweating a lot" Chaeyoung bragged and sat beside me too, i let out a deep breath and wiped my sweat. It's so damn hot today, my skin feels sticky.

Dahyun sat beside Chaeyoung and let out a sigh, i guess she's tired also. "why are we even here" she mumbled and wiped her sweat, "ooh la la" Jeongyeon mumbled all of sudden so the three of us looked at her, "what?" Chaeyoung asked, a grin slowly formed on her lips so we looked at the front. Sana's group is here too, they choosed to suffer under the sun too, how stupid.

"oh shit. Take a look at Myoui's abs, that's so damn sexy" Chaeyoung mumbled and licked her lips, i let out a sigh and i can't even believe that these girls beside me is drooling over their sexy bodies. I furrowed my eyebrows when i didn't saw Sana with them, she didn't go to practice? well, that's quite odd. She likes to dance a lot but why is she not here? maybe something happened? oh god, why am i worrying that much. I hope she's alright.

I almost choked on thin air after seeing her arrive, she's so damn... sexy on that outfit. Almost all of them are wearing sleeveless croptops and i guess that was the reason why these girls beside me is drooling. I blinked a few times and bit my lower lip, she looked at on the direction that i'm sitting. I saw her smiled and waved her hand a bit, i can't help it but to smile too, she looks.. really pretty.

"yo wait a minute, are you and Minatozaki in a relationship?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked and it made me cough, Chaeyoung rubbed my back so i let out a sigh after. "are you insane? of course not" i answered and she hummed, she look at the girls again and stared at them. "perhaps, do you like her?" Chaeyoung asked so i looked at her all of sudden, "w-what? why are you guys even asking?" i asked them, Chaeyoung chuckled and looked at the same direction that Jeongyeon is staring at. "don't answer the question anymore, i already know the answer" she said and laughed a bit. I let out a sigh, "whatever, i will never like someone" i mumbled and both of her and Jeongyeon laughed out loud.

"dude, that's the biggest lie i've said to myself before" Jeongyeon said while laughing out loud with Chaeyoung, i rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "what about you Dahyun? do you like someone at the moment?" Chaeyoung asked, Dahyun smiled. Jeongyeon furrowed her eyebrows, "you and Hirai will fit well, you should get closer to her" Jeongyeon said and Dahyun chuckled softly. "i don't know, i have my eyes on someone right now" she said and that moment i heard those words slipped from her mouth, i can feel something i shouldn't feel.. i feel jealousy. She can take Sana away anytime if i didn't do better for her, i don't want her to be apart from me. If ever that happens.. i'll be lost on the dark path again. That sucks, you know.

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