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sydney's eyes shot open suddenly and she took a deep breath, somewhat feeling like she had just resurfaced from being dragged underwater. she took a few more deep breaths, her eyes shooting around the room in panic.

she was sitting in the corner of a small room. not unbearably small, more like a small bedroom. the walls were all black, but there was a certain shine to them. almost like they were glowing, providing a small amount of light to the room.

she saw reggie first in the corner beside her, before her eyes landed on luke standing a few feet away from her. she shot to her feet and rushed towards him, he was already holding his arms out ready for her. he held her in a tight hug, as sydney took more deep breaths.

alex suddenly appeared in the corner across from where sydney had appeared, his eyes shooting open and taking deep breaths just as she did. his eyes were already filled with tears.

"what is this place?" sydney asks quietly after a moment. luke shrugged and dropped his arms from around her, the two siblings leaning on the wall beside them.

no one spoke for a while, none of them knew what to say. what was there to say in a situation like this? they're dead, they're all dead, and that seemed like the end of the story to them.

sydney and luke slowly slid down to sit on the floor, sydney resting her head on his shoulder and letting out a sigh. she knew luke was trying his best to keep it together, even though she knew he was ready to fall apart too. his hands were shaking slightly and she could tell by the way his shoulders were slowly moving up and down that her brother was entirely focused on taking deep, steady breaths.

it didn't feel like they had been in that room for very long, when the ground underneath them began to shake. sydney grabbed tightly onto luke's arm and he slid slightly closer to her, panic clear on his face.

the floor underneath them crumbled away and they were blinded by a bright light, falling seemingly endlessly, until they landed hard on the ground.

all four of them let out loud groans of pain, using each other to balance themselves and stand up.

"woah," luke let out a breath, looking around the room. "how did we get back here?" he questions as all four begin to realize that they were back in their studio.

an ear-piercing scream came from across the room, causing all of their heads to snap in that direction. sydney's eyes widened, seeing a girl standing only a few feet away from them, screaming.

they all started screaming as well, huddling together as sydney hid slightly behind luke while still keeping an eye on the random person in front of them.

she spun quickly and ran out of the studio, her screaming continuing all the way back to the house.

the four in the studio were still frozen, all staring at the place where the girl had just run from.

"who was that?" sydney squeaks out, her voice shaking slightly. "and how are we here?"

none of the boys responded, though sydney wasn't overly surprised. she didn't expect them to have any more answers than she did. after all, they were all experiencing the same things at the same time.

the boys slowly began moving around the studio, sydney following close behind her brother. none of them were speaking, they were too wrapped up in their own racing thoughts to form any words.

reggie and alex made their ways up to the loft, as luke and sydney circled the piano, sydney following closely behind her brother for comfort.

"our instruments are up here." reggie spoke, drawing luke's suddenly very excited attention away from the music sheet he was looking at. he pulled sydney with him as he followed behind the other two boys up the the loft.

Melody and Words - jatp/reggieWhere stories live. Discover now