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later that night, the four ghosts headed to julies room to check in before the show. reggie stuck his hand through her door and knocked from the inside, making sydney chuckle quietly.

"what are you guys doing?" julie asks from inside the room, laughing slightly.

"we're being classy." reggie informs her, sticking his head through the door. luke rolled his eyes slightly and grabbed reggies arm to pull him back into the hallway, before walking through the door himself.

"why are you still here?" he asks, as the other three follow him into the room. "we go on in like, twenty minutes."

"i lied to my dad." julie tells them, glancing down. "so now i'm stuck in my room all night." she sighs.

"yeah, but we were just at the venue. i mean, it's packed." alex says with a grin.

"like VIPs, managers, it's kind of crazy." sydney adds. reggie smiled softly from the excited grin on her face and laced his fingers with hers.

"what are we gonna do about my aunt? she's right downstairs." julie reminds them, making luke scoff slightly as he strutted across the room.

"your aunt." he rolls his eyes. "your not taking the stairs." he grins, pushing her bedroom window open.

julie stared at him for a moment before looking to the other three ghosts, who were all smirking slightly with luke. her face slowly broke out into a small grin and she nodded.

"okay, let me get dressed. i'll meet you guys there." she tells them quickly. they all nodded excitedly and poofed away, leaving her to get ready.


when the ghosts arrived at the venue, they landed behind julie and flynn as dirty candy was beginning their performance on stage. reggie and sydney were still holding on to each other's hands, neither of them wanted to let go.

Whenever I walk in the room
All the focus on me
The way I talk, the way I move
They all want on my team

as much as it wasn't the type of music that sydney would typically choose to listen to, she couldn't deny that these girls were talented. she looked to her brother beside her, who had a wide smile as he watched the performance.

Not tryin' to brag, brag
But I'm flawless
I'm taking over your playlist
Ain't perfect but I can't miss, yeah

suddenly her attention was draw away when alex appeared on stage with the girls. sydney's eyes widened as she watched him, a shocked look on his face as well.

The party don't start 'til I walk in
I'm stealing all the attention
Don't get me started on mentions, yeah

a smile grew on alex's lips as he began dancing with the girls. sydney laughed slightly, seeing her friend look so happy and free. she wished he had been able to show this side of him when they were still alive.

Some might say I sound conceited
They don't get the shine that I get
Some get jealous
They can't help it
They wish they were me, oh

alex reappeared beside them, a wide grin in his face. he let out a content sigh as the others turned to him with amused smiles.

I keep the party going all night, all night
I set the trends that you all like, all like

"you having fun out there?" julie asks jokingly.

"it's not my fault." alex defends quick, the grin still present on his face. "it's my, um, it's my feet." he says awkwardly.

Melody and Words - jatp/reggieWhere stories live. Discover now